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  1. J

    Taking my mini to nursing home~ideas?

    LOL, sorry guys, just had to post about not giving hand treats. I took my guy this past winter to a local home and I couldn't figure out why he was being so nibbly when no one had been hand feeding him. Finally, I realized, they had just had breakfast before I got there and several were still...
  2. J

    Looking for new trailers is TOUGH

    Here's an idea for you. Find a good one -then let me know so I can buy one too Seriously though, if you'd like to PM me, I could give you some thoughts on my trailer hunting. I've been looking off an on for 14 years and my husband said this might actually be the year he'll agree (of course...
  3. J

    Would love to see pics or your champions....

    OK, you're probably tired of him winning all the time-I'm sure that has to be boring. Just send him to me. I guess I could put up with a few ribbons and trophies Nice guy.Love everything about him and neat color too.
  4. J

    Would love to see pics or your champions....

    I'd love to see horses, especially stallions before they were in show condition (and after pics for comparison would be great too) I'm just curious. I really think my guy could do well at the bigger shows, but he spends all his time eating and showing off for the girls and I am usually too busy...
  5. J

    StablePro Clippers

    Just a little tip for those who buy new clippers (and yes I speak from experience ufortunately) Even though the clippers are new (or if you buy a new set of blades) they have to be soaked in blade wash before being used. There is a protectant or something another that the factory puts on the...
  6. J

    Question for those who have recently

    Really good idea Voodoo!!!!! I am just sick because the trailer I was very interested in (was a couple years old but a demo so not used much for actual hauling) has apparently been sold. My husband says he wants to wait until the end of this month to actually go look and I'm about to go insane...
  7. J

    Question for those who have recently

    Thank you. It's nice to know someone would have helped if they could have.
  8. J

    Question for those who have recently

    This may seem like an incredibly dumb question, BUT - how much can I expect a trailer dealer to come down from the list price. I've had my trailer for over 14 yrs and we bought it used. It's in good shape for it's age, but I need something bigger. I didn't try to get a lower price on it I...
  9. J

    I know I can't make it all right ----

    Hey Marnie ! Are ya tired yet Anyway. I have replied to posts on this before and here is how I handle things. I don't like to be "told" things either LOL. I tend to be a bit bull headed, but I really enjoy getting information in a non confrontational way. If a friend happens to mention the way...
  10. J

    Is there anyone in Missouri that can

    Kay, don't know what exactly you'd need done or if you have to be an official officer to do it, but I might be able to go to the sale if I knew by tomorrow what needs done. You can just e-mail or pm me if you want.
  11. J

    Snotty Nose

    Jim, sorry to hear you have to give shots. I have had to do that before with one I bought that had pneumonia and a million other things Anyway. Just wanted to let you know that I have had better luck with the peniciilin when it is warm. I do not leave the whole bottle out, instead, I will draw...
  12. J

    I really neeed help

    Sunset Ridge JustWhatTheDoctorOrdered oops, just counted and that won't fit Sunset Ridge Just Say Awe-some OK So I'm feeling dorky this morning. I'd just call him cute!
  13. J

    supressing heat cycles in show mares

    Hey Kaykay, my friends daughter's 4-H horse has gradually for the past three years gotten to where she is a royal B**** through most of the summer. She will drive their gelding crazy by trying to "present" to him yet she'll kick the snot out of him or anything else that moves and she wants to be...
  14. J

    A pet peeve of mine - this just "drives" me CRAZY

    Well, since this topic is on the comfort of the horses, I'd like to add my 2 cents. Firstly on the bit issue of pinching. It isn't always possible to tell just by looking at a bit if it will pinch. A really good test is to check EVERY jointed part of your bit by holding the jointed part against...
  15. J

    Sharing your Show Secrets

    How about a secret that didn't work LOL. Let's just say I have ample chest. I didn't want to spend $50.00 on a no bounce bra, so I got the bright idea to vet wrap them down! Well, halfway through the class the stuff starts sliding off, ends up all tight and twisted and felt like I was wearing a...
  16. J

    Need orphan foal quickly!

    Just a thought, but I have heard of just a few cases where the mare wants to be a momma so bad she'll let a goat nurse. Only heard this, never tried it, but if you can't find a foal you could give it a try. Maybe even if she won't let it nurse - it would still keep her company and you could milk...
  17. J

    Illinois Horse FAir

    Kay, you know I'll be there on Fri evening as I have 1/2 of what you need for setting up