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  1. kimbalina

    We were gonna sell Apaché

    I’m glad we are keeping him too. He’s beautiful and actually I love him. I’m finding it hard to find a pony for us. I don’t want an over-educated horse that will be upset by my young sons as they learn to ride and I don’t want a 16hh OTT TB of which there are dozens. It needs to be be big enough...
  2. kimbalina

    How's the Weather ?

    Actually I don’t mind the rain… I spent a year and a half in London and I quite like wet weather… I like it even more now that we are on rainwater tanks!! Our tank was half full/empty before this latest downpouring and of course is now overflowing. I wish we had another tank already to store...
  3. kimbalina

    Crafting in 2022

    Martha, you really are incredible! I am a big fan! I wish I could see the mini horse in the button!! I will spend the rest of the day trying probably!!
  4. kimbalina

    We were gonna sell Apaché

    We still have little Apaché. I can’t decide what to do and so have plundered deep into a paralysis… Except I’ve put the gas on looking for a companion for him. He was very well behaved when we agisted him with a big bossy mare, is it naïve of me to think he might change once he has company. I...
  5. kimbalina

    We were gonna sell Apaché

    Yes he has, although he does display some stallion-esque behaviour at times!! He is really careful about where he puts it in dung! he doesn’t just poo anywhere… he has very neat precise piles.. usually right along the fenceline. Dear Dusty was ok and was later seen taking his guitar outside to...
  6. kimbalina

    We were gonna sell Apaché

    So… on Monday I needed to call my mum and sort out the studio upstairs. I put on a show on tv for baby Dusty and gave him his snackbox and headed upstairs. At some point, while going through some business with my mum on the phone I look out window to see our tiny dachshund Panda galloping up...
  7. kimbalina

    Waverly West Sport Ponies and Miniatures

    I love your minis!! ❤️❤️ I also love their very interesting punky names!! Welcome! Would love to see some pics of your riding ponies too? are they as beautiful as your minis?
  8. kimbalina

    💕 Baby Nova’s Cuteness Journal 💕

    I agree, stardust… it’s what we’re all made of, ashes to ashes and stardust to stardust. When my dad died I immediately knew which star in the sky he was. My sister was annoyed at me as I kept setting him free, I said to him, go visit Jupiter for me! Being free from your earthly body, go explore...
  9. kimbalina

    Smoke gets in your eyes....

    I do the occasional sheath clearing… My little Apaché is always ‘well hey there, that’s a bit forward isn’t it…??’ He’s like ‘Are you allowed to do that??’ He thinks I should be asking for his consent. 🤣 All my pants have holes or stains on the knees coz I’m always on my knees at grooming time...
  10. kimbalina

    Hi from Wisconsin

    Thanks for joining and sharing these cute pics! Your barn looks nice too! Look forward to hearing more about your equine adventures!
  11. kimbalina

    Hello from New Zealand

    Welcome from a fellow Antipodean! We have our little Apaché here in Sydney. I also feel like a novice after a big break from horses. This thread is awesome. Almost worth having a mini just to be part of this cool group!
  12. kimbalina

    Rescused orphaned mini colt

    You have worked so hard for this little one! Thanks for sharing your story and these pictures of your precious charge. You must be exhausted!!! Do you have anyone to help you? I admire your determination and selflessness so much. Thank you for working so hard to help this baby survive. Do you...
  13. kimbalina

    Closeup Of Vicky

    She’s a perfect little poppet, Dick!! Very sweet and love watching her colours develop!!
  14. kimbalina

    Rescused orphaned mini colt

    Hey there, how are you going today with your orphaned mini foal? Is he eating and drinking? Have you named him? Hope you’re both doing well.
  15. kimbalina

    Your Drive Day

    You look great… I miss my dad too. It’s hard when you have a parent that is so amazing, it’s 100 times harder when they go. I love wearing my dad’s old clothes… I feel like he is giving me a big warm hug when I wear them! I was interested to read that Munchkin has been doing Pat Parelli...
  16. kimbalina

    How's the Weather ?

    I would say no. We’ve been on water restrictions for years. The whole damn country was so parched for so long that the whole thing went up in flames back in 2016 (which I think caused enough extra heat to melt some polar caps which are now raining down on us?). Who knows. It’s been the wettest...
  17. kimbalina

    The Funnies!

    I ❤️ Thelwell ponies!!!
  18. kimbalina

    How's the Weather ?

    Happy Birthday Silver City!! and I hope the weather was in your favour, Martha! Here’s our weather forecast!! Wish I could send some of these rainy days away to anyone who needs them!!!!