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  1. kimbalina

    Whats Cooking ? Whats for dinner ?

    Tonight I am making smoked trout and asparagus quiche with our hen’s eggs and shortcrust pastry!
  2. kimbalina


    Another fun adventure! Love your big city horse adventures, Kelly ❤️
  3. kimbalina

    Do only pregnant mares get this?

    Sometimes threads that I would be really interested in just seem to evade me. And then a week later I suddenly realise there’s sn update or thread that I missed. I don’t know if there are algorithms or what! I have no knowledge to share with you but I’m so grateful there are people like Taz who...
  4. kimbalina

    Starved yearling.

    Little rodeo is such a great name. Poor little ones, wow they are skinny and covered in bugs! A lot of work for you! Can’t wait to watch them recover and thrive with you! Great work!!
  5. kimbalina

    What Is A Real Country Person

    You are! I’ve lived herd and there. I definitely had my city travelling years, spent A LOT of time in cities in my 20s and 30s. London, New York, Sydney and others to lesser extents. It was partially work related but it I was a moth drawn to light too! My childhood has been filled with open...
  6. kimbalina

    Mini horse name ideas

    Our little one came prenamed as Apache. I like his name and sometimes we call him just Patchy who likes a scratchy let's go catchy. (except he doesn't need catching... he runs to us now... especially if he thinks we may pet his big tb mare girlfriend before him.) I sometimes wonder if there are...
  7. kimbalina

    Watching Kacie's Breathing

    I myself get huge when I’m pregnant. I can relate to dear Kacie! Look forward to seeing her little one soon!!
  8. kimbalina

    Watching Kacie's Breathing

    I think I could see a bit of what you meant by her breathing and looking uncomfortable towards the end. Is it a worry that she is so big? I’ve never had a mare in foal so I don’t really know what is usual. I know you’ve had buckets of experience. I hope she’s ok!
  9. kimbalina

    Starved yearling.

    He is so cute and wooly just the way he is! He looks lovely! His horsey friends look very interested in their new tiny friend too!
  10. kimbalina

    Bad news; Impaction Colic Surgery. She survived, but isn't out of the woods yet.

    It’s great to hear good news! Such a relief!! Sending love to our little friend, Sodapop!
  11. kimbalina

    Hi i dont no how this works

    Gday Rita! Welcome!
  12. kimbalina

    Whats Cooking ? Whats for dinner ?

    Thanks for starting this thread, Ryan! Everything sounds delicious! Another way to connect with all you cool people who I admire and learn from! ❤️ I am a real foodie! I loooove cooking. Also a fan of smoked paprika! and nutritional yeast powder. I also love sumac, sprinkled on everything for a...
  13. kimbalina

    Buckskin or dun???

    Those two are so adorable, congratulations ❤️❤️❤️ I grew up thinking dun and buckskin were different words for the same thing?
  14. kimbalina

    How's the Weather ?

    After the rain last week this creek basically filled the whole valley! Bonkers!! About a metre or two above the flood markers 😱
  15. kimbalina

    Walking/Hiking with our minis and ponies - Mile Tracker!

    Such amazing imagery you have conjured for me of this tough beautiful girl and her cheeky apaloosa. How much I wish I could see you climbing on as he was getting up!! Awesome!
  16. kimbalina

    Walking/Hiking with our minis and ponies - Mile Tracker!

    Apaché is also a roller! At least twice while he was saddled up and with a toddler onboard 😂. Luckily they managed to jump off before getting smooshed!! There was a spot behind the swings at the playground that he ALWAYS rolled in. It was the little dip where mums stood to push the swing. Loved...
  17. kimbalina


    How fabulous!! congratulations to all of you!! Loved seeing your photos! Looks like Breezy really enjoyed it!!
  18. kimbalina

    Bad news; Impaction Colic Surgery. She survived, but isn't out of the woods yet.

    You could try throwing some grain in pots of soil to grow some grass or get grass seeds to sprout into pots for a fodder treat. I know horses love grain but I think they benefit from constant foraging for grass and haylage. It is their most natural food and behaviour. A lot of grain can absorb...
  19. kimbalina

    Bad news; Impaction Colic Surgery. She survived, but isn't out of the woods yet.

    Poor bub. I’m so glad that your tiny horse is doing ok! I tried googling your fundraiser but I couldn’t find it. Maybe you can post the link? But I don’t know what the rules are re posting. I guess worst case is admin remove it?
  20. kimbalina

    Is there any place that sells wagons that are ready made?

    Looking forward to seeing it! A bit of help with hauling would never go astray!! You’re lucky... there just isn’t the same driving culture here in Australia and it’s not easy to find what you need!