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  1. kimbalina

    A mini blog for the mini demons! ♡

    Such a busy, dynamic herd! ❤️
  2. kimbalina

    How's the Weather ?

    This is usually a shallow creek that runs under a small road that is a ford in weather like this! Also a photo of kids and Patchy playing in the same stream a couple of months ago!!
  3. kimbalina

    How's the Weather ?

    Rain, more rain, and then you’re lying there in bed thinking wow it’s raining really hard I don’t think it could rain any harder... and then it does!!!! 😳 Sometimes I think there must be only rain and no air left in the sky outside. A month ago we had weird tropical rainforest sudden rainfall...
  4. kimbalina

    Walking/Hiking with our minis and ponies - Mile Tracker!

    We did 3km on Saturday... just on the lead... We have to walk on quite a busy road with narrow verges to get anywhere and Apaché always impresses me that he takes it in his stride and not much ruffles him. He DOESN’T like it when I try to get him to carry my raincoat on his back! Very urgent...
  5. kimbalina

    Walking/Hiking with our minis and ponies - Mile Tracker!

    Sounds very romantic... we should start a husband tracker thread... although I’m wondering if you went walking by moonlight or if you have lots of craters in your orchard (and probably therefore chickens)!
  6. kimbalina

    Minis reluctant to play in turnout

    I remember when I worked at a stable in Moore Park Equestrian Centre (think inner city stable... zero paddocks for turnout) the horses would get 20 minutes in the arena for turnout each morning. Often it was my job to wonder from one side of the arena to the other with a whip to keep them all...
  7. kimbalina

    Drivin' Thru 2022

    Yesterday one of Bear’s friends came over to meet Apaché... we wondered up and down the properties’ big shared driveway to sniff the horses on the other side, eat some grass and give the kids a bit of a ride. No bridle. Only 1km probably...
  8. kimbalina

    Hello Everyone!

    Wow! such a beauty! Welcome! Where are you located?
  9. kimbalina

    Walking/Hiking with our minis and ponies - Mile Tracker!

    4.5km. Apaché and I went for a walk to explore some other streets around his area. I just put him in his rope halter and we had fun looking at all the houses and deciding which one we liked best! I thought this one looked really interesting and had this gigantic expanse of flat lawn that just...
  10. kimbalina

    Walking/Hiking with our minis and ponies - Mile Tracker!

    It’s so hard. I’ll go see Apaché shortly and was just wondering about putting the bridle on today... I think we will skip a day too...
  11. kimbalina

    Walking/Hiking with our minis and ponies - Mile Tracker!

    Took baby Dusty for a 2km ride on Apaché up to some blackberry brambles. We are just introducing the bit to Apaché now so he wore his bridle with no reins attached and chomped on the bit as we went... slowly getting more used to how it feels. It’s a hot dry day today so we gave Apaché a wash...
  12. kimbalina

    Greetings from Southern California!

    So many people here have so many great ideas and good advice! Good luck!
  13. kimbalina

    Hello from Florida

    Welcome from down under! Your ponies have such nice conformation!
  14. kimbalina

    Walking/Hiking with our minis and ponies - Mile Tracker!

    Banana Cabana is a primate sanctuary in Dural, Sydney that we discovered while walking Apaché and I like taking the kids there! They give a home to any monkeys or apes that require one after being surrendered from private zoos or laboratories... They have huuuuge enclosure for them and you can...
  15. kimbalina

    Walking/Hiking with our minis and ponies - Mile Tracker!

    3km February 6th we walked Apaché down to the primate sanctuary and back with the kids and some of their friends... They took turns riding him and there were many tears for who was having the next turn... I need more ponies!
  16. kimbalina

    How's the Weather ?

    It definitely has been a wet summer! Here in Sydney too! I am mostly loving it! everything so verdant! Better than the smokey summers we had a few years ago !!! 💀We are getting these super weird tropical rainstorms that start suddenly, rain cats and dogs for 3 minutes then stop completely for...
  17. kimbalina

    Hello from Kinglake Australia

    Wouldn’t it be a dream?? Though I don’t actually think horses are allowed on those beaches!! But a tiny mini, maybe early in the morning and pick up his poo if he does one... I couldn’t imagine the police turning up to arrest me... 🤣💦 The truth his he wouldn’t do a poo. Does anyone have a mini...
  18. kimbalina

    New To The Barn

    Welcome! Look forward to meeting the rest of your herd too!
  19. kimbalina

    Gday from Sydney Australia!

    Me too! It’s quite addictive!
  20. kimbalina

    Gday from Sydney Australia!

    thanks for welcome! I have lusted over your ponies, barn, van, craft and upcoming canyon trip!! Your husband is amazing and I have occasionally sent my husband screen grabs of your husband’s handywork in the hope that it may inspire him! He is not handy at all, has no free time and mostly just...