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  1. CharlesFamily

    Blast from the past..

    Loved seeing the pictures! Thanks for sharing!
  2. CharlesFamily

    What do you think?

    Sonya, I am not against birth control nor am I against the morning after pill - mostly because I don't consider it a viable pregnancy until the cells attach to the uterine wall and begin to grow. Both of those things prevent that. I guess some would consider that "splitting hairs." But a...
  3. CharlesFamily

    The Evils or Organized Religions

    Danielle, We are more than likely headed back next summer. Come and join us! It was a truly amazing experience and one I am so glad our daughters could have. As to your question, that is exactly why I am a Christian, public school teacher who does not support prayer in school. Because...
  4. CharlesFamily

    What do you think?

    I am one of the abortion is wrong no matter the circumstance people. However, I would never judge a woman who chose to have an abortion due to rape or incest. While I hope I would be strong enough to handle that if, God forbid, it happened to me, I would never harshly judge someone who chose...
  5. CharlesFamily

    The Evils or Organized Religions

    There are hateful fringe elements to every organization - religious and otherwise. That's why I'm so glad I'm not religious! Religion = Man-made rules I have a relationship with my Heavenly Father based on love and grace. As for the money aspect - again, it's who gets the publicity. For...
  6. CharlesFamily

    Today (Weds, Aug. 1) is CHICK-FIL-A Day

    Agree 100% with this! Agree 100% with this!
  7. CharlesFamily

    Today (Weds, Aug. 1) is CHICK-FIL-A Day

    Good Morning Vickie! So glad you enjoyed it! LOVE Third Day too! We had a chance to see them in concert last year. They are awesome! Two of my other favorites are Sanctus Real and Jeremy Camp. My husband loves Sidewalk Prophets. Have a good morning! P.S. - Ecuador was AMAZING! Anytime...
  8. CharlesFamily

    Today (Weds, Aug. 1) is CHICK-FIL-A Day

    Matt - I had not heard this argument (gluttony) before used in this fight, but you make a very valid point. I had actually used a similar argument before talking to someone about sin and asked him if he was going to stand at the door to the church and call out everyone on their sin as they...
  9. CharlesFamily

    Today (Weds, Aug. 1) is CHICK-FIL-A Day

    Not eating there is exactly your right. Two mayors of large cities in this country saying they would block free enterprise because of what the CEO believes is not. And then they had to turn around and state what all of us knew - that actually they don't really have the power to do that anyway...
  10. CharlesFamily

    Today (Weds, Aug. 1) is CHICK-FIL-A Day

    Sorry, I still don't see Mr. Cathy as spewing hatred. He was being interviewed by a Baptist organization and answered a question they asked him. He didn't take out full page ads in the NY Times berating homosexuals. He didn't go on CNN, Fox or MSNBC talking about how anyone who believes...
  11. CharlesFamily

    Today (Weds, Aug. 1) is CHICK-FIL-A Day

    Absolutely! What I see is that Mr. Cathy's words simply stated his position and beliefs. I don't hear hate in those words. What I do hear is hate in the words of the other side that are screaming about tolerance and acceptance directed specifically at Mr. Cathy. And I didn't read...
  12. CharlesFamily

    Today (Weds, Aug. 1) is CHICK-FIL-A Day

    Sorry Ozy, I am fresh out of stones today! And so grateful no one has thrown one at me yet - because I'm a sinner, too. I don't hate anyone - ever. And I think it makes it easier to characterize Christians as hate-filled people, when it is just the opposite. And here is the direct quote from...
  13. CharlesFamily

    Today (Weds, Aug. 1) is CHICK-FIL-A Day

    I am neither for nor against gay marriage. Truly, I don't think you can legislate morality - since everyone has different moral values. Therefore, I don't think you should be able to create laws forbidding two consenting adults from marriage. And I think the idea that gay marriage would do...
  14. CharlesFamily

    THE best opening speech I've seen :)

    That was a great clip! If ever there were a real candidate who would stand up and actually say what they believe, speak the truth instead of what they are told to say, I would vote for them! I might not even agree with what they had to say, but I would respect them a lot more than what we have...
  15. CharlesFamily

    The Death Penalty, Euthanasia and PAS

    I'll take the easy one first - I believe in euthanasia for pets. There is no reason to allow a creature who doesn't understand what is happening to suffer. I do not believe in physician assisted suicide. It's a slippery slope. My belief is that everyone serves a purpose here on this Earth...
  16. CharlesFamily

    Our 2012 Foals...And My Feelings On Dwarfism

    First of all, your foals are beautiful, and thank you for sharing all of them! Second, as a decidedly non-breeder, only owning geldings and only planning on ever owning geldings, I can only imagine how hard your decision was. That said, I want to applaud you for standing by what you believe...
  17. CharlesFamily

    Curious what everyone feeds

    I also switched to Purina Mini and Pony in February and I love it! So simple and my boys look fantastic. My daughter took her gelding to a show two weeks ago, his first of the season. He was in fantastic shape and we have been so busy he has had NO conditioning beyond daily turnout. It's the...
  18. CharlesFamily

    Drink Recommendation

    Definitely not diet - but so yummy! I don't drink alcohol anymore, but my cousin made these a few years ago and they were delicious! LIME SHERBET MARGARITAS! In a blender, throw in: a handful of ice cubes, 6 scoops Lime Sherbet 3-4 shots Tequila Juice from one lime Blend until smooth and...
  19. CharlesFamily

    what injurys have yous had from horse

    OUCH! Is all I have to say after reading all of the replies. In 35 years of riding, I have been very blessed. I fell off A LOT when I was younger, but I bounced so much better then and was blessed never to be seriously hurt. The summer after I graduated high school I was riding double behind...
  20. CharlesFamily


    Okay, I knew there was a reason I fell in love with your colt when I saw his pictures - I was in love with his father! :wub We owned Handsome's sire, Jinx, until we sadly lost him 2 weeks ago. Sheryl had blessed us with letting us own Jinx. Handsome was one of his last foals that he sired...