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  1. CharlesFamily

    Top 12 Reasons People Voted Democrat in 2008

    Thank you for letting me know! We cancelled our cable subscription though, so hopefully I will be able to watch it later on-line. Barbara
  2. CharlesFamily

    Top 12 Reasons People Voted Democrat in 2008

    Actually, if you understood what I was referring to you, you would understand I was exactly addressing what those who think they know best feel the "Free Market" in education should look like. Good results are rewarded (merit pay), bad results are not (teachers are fired). The problem is, my...
  3. CharlesFamily

    Top 12 Reasons People Voted Democrat in 2008

    Jill - Free Market - you mean where people are forced to their breaking point by laws mandated by those who have no understanding what it is like to be in a classroom? You mean the system Michelle Rhee proposed in Washington and those shining, rising test scores which ultimately had to be...
  4. CharlesFamily

    Top 12 Reasons People Voted Democrat in 2008

    No, I mean some non-propaganda proof. You are a numbers person - surely if teachers' unions are the evil you claim there has got to be statistical proof. "Good teachers do not need a union's protection." Really? Do you know that my husband and I LOVE the state of Tennessee. We have talked...
  5. CharlesFamily

    Top 12 Reasons People Voted Democrat in 2008

    How in the world do teachers' unions rob the kids and the future?? From my viewpoint, without quality teachers kids have no future. You are going to have to show me something to back up that statement before I will even come close to seeing that as a valid viewpoint.
  6. CharlesFamily

    Top 12 Reasons People Voted Democrat in 2008

    You were the one who attacked teachers and teachers' unions. I was only responding to your statements. Simply put, I was using your job as financial advisor to wealthy clients as a way to point out that teachers are NOT wealthy. I was trying to make the distinction between those whose primary...
  7. CharlesFamily

    Top 12 Reasons People Voted Democrat in 2008

    Okay - I'll try to explain what I am saying. The Republican party, by and large, has taken to attacking public school teachers and making them seem like the villians in our country's current economic downturn. I understand it is more about breaking up the unions, which are large Democratic...
  8. CharlesFamily

    Top 12 Reasons People Voted Democrat in 2008

    Um, no - I am absolutely not diminishing the value of working if you are not the primary breadwinner. But there is a difference in income when say, like our family, both are teachers and when some are like our friend Karen, who has retired, but was a fantastic art teacher. But her husband owns...
  9. CharlesFamily

    Top 12 Reasons People Voted Democrat in 2008

    Thank you for reminding us, Jill. I had forgotten that the EVIL teachers are the ones who have caused the downward spiraling of the economy and are destroying our country! How silly of me! I thought it was the greed of the bankers handing out unsecured loans to whoever wanted them to boost...
  10. CharlesFamily

    I am FINALLY moving to Ohio!!

    Hooray!!! I am SO excited for you guys! Finally!! I can't wait to finally get to meet you, although I feel like we've been family for a couple of years already! Congratulations - and you know what is best for your family. Hugs, Barbara
  11. CharlesFamily

    I'm going to be a grandmother and would love advice!

    Congratulations!! You are going to be a wonderful Grandma and that baby girl is going to LOVE you! Now you get a chance to raise a horse crazy little girl! It sounds like you and Dan have a really great communication, so I am betting he will let you know when you are crossing the line. If...
  12. CharlesFamily

    Need suggestions

    Yes - clicker training works quite well with these smart little horses! You can find a lot of resources and posts about it right here by searching the forum topics. I started doing some clicker training with my littlest guy because he is VERY food motivated and he loves it! He will do...
  13. CharlesFamily

    Need suggestions

    I have two daughters who decided they would rather show the minis than our big horse! This was their first year in 4-H. Because of the very snowy winter and very wet spring, we did not get them broke well enough to drive at the fair, but they had a great time showing in showmanship and in-hand...
  14. CharlesFamily

    Bucket list

    Some great ideas on here! I don't really have a bucket list - although if I did then travel out west to South Dakota and Wyoming would've been on it, and we did that last year! To all of you who listed visit Yellowstone on your list - yes!! Make sure you go!! It is absolutely amazing and I...
  15. CharlesFamily

    Gelding those colts.

    Diane, I truly did not mean to upset anyone so much with my opinion - which is just what it is - my opinion! I also need to clarify my statement about winning - I think placing in a competitive class at a sanctioned show as winning. Top 10 in some of those huge classes at Nationals and Worlds...
  16. CharlesFamily

    Gelding those colts.

    I still stand by my statement - that if your horse is not winning in a sanctioned show ring - and I did not specify halter - they should not be breeding. I include CDE events in here, too. I think those are an awesome testament to the mind and soundness of a horse. I am of the opinion that we...
  17. CharlesFamily

    Gelding those colts.

    Yes, this topic has been discussed many times - and I think mostly it falls on deaf ears. Those of us already on the gelding bandwagon can yell at the top of our lungs, unfortunately, the ones who most need to hear this typically are not those participating on this board. I only own geldings...
  18. CharlesFamily

    2011 4H Miniature Horse Show

    What great pictures! This was my daughters' first year showing 4-H. They showed their mini geldings. Out of 90 horses at the fair, there were only 3 minis, so they didn't offer any mini classes. There was a two-day show and they only were able to show in showmanship and in-hand trail (like...
  19. CharlesFamily

    How long have you had horse for

    My mom rescued a horse that she saw at a garage sale who was starving and had been abused. I was two years old. She would put me up in the saddle in front of her and we would trail ride on that mare (once she was rehabbed) for hours. My mom says I never once complained and we rode year-round...
  20. CharlesFamily


    Wow! I hope my farrier never sees this thread! I am feeling very lucky - found a great farrier who is always on time, easy to get in touch with and he only charges $30.00 to trim the big horse and $15.00 for the minis. So, I can get all of mine trimmed for $75.00! He is also a trainer and...