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  1. CharlesFamily

    Slow Cooker Recipes

    I love my crockpot! If it weren't for the crockpot, most nights my family wouldn't be eating as we have so many things to keep up with. But coming home and just serving it without cooking when I'm tired is soooo good! One of my new favorite "comfort food" recipes for the crockpot is Cheesy...
  2. CharlesFamily

    National Mountain Trail Championship video -- what a good horse!

    That looks like so much fun! Thanks for sharing!
  3. CharlesFamily

    Time for the first vote!

    I agree with everyone else here! I read anything. I'm like Jill. I am drawn to the paranormal stuff. I don't like "heavy" reading. Reading is my escape! I also prefer happy endings, too. Life is sad enough without having to live through fictional sadness, too. So I will be happy to read...
  4. CharlesFamily

    Our Twin Update: at 2 and 1/2!

    Thank you so much for the update! They both look wonderful! I can't believe how big they are and soooo adorable. I am so glad to hear they are doing well. We will be praying for Blake and the rest of the family in the upcoming months as his surgery date arrives. Boston is an amazing...
  5. CharlesFamily

    We got a new horse

    Congratulations! He is gorgeous! I have always been a huge believer in equine therapy, but have also had a chance to witness it first-hand. We have always had horses, and my daughters show the minis and have casually ridden our QH gelding. I wanted to get my youngest daughter, Maddy...
  6. CharlesFamily

    Childhood memories

    My first grade teacher read "Little House in the Big Woods" to us from Laura Ingalls Wilder and I was hooked! I read and re-read that series so many times over! Two years ago, we were very blessed to take a summer trip where we stopped at the site of the Ingalls dug-out on Plum Creek and...
  7. CharlesFamily

    In honor of Halloween

    Stephen King's The Shining. My girls don't understand how a book can be scary. I was trying to explain it to them! I also like Dean Koontz Frankenstein series. I read quite a few of his Odd Thomas series, too. It took me a couple to really get into them, but then I liked them. Barbara
  8. CharlesFamily

    Book club?

    Count me in! Sounds great and I love exploring new genres. Barbara
  9. CharlesFamily

    The high school kids are coming tomorrow

    That is so neat! I want to come on a field trip to your house! My husband's nephew is attending Purdue Technology Institute (or something like that) majoring in Electrical Engineering and his focus is alternative energy. (We are so proud of him). I'm sure he would have enjoyed a field trip...
  10. CharlesFamily

    For those of us who believe in Heaven

    Robin, that is a beautiful story! Probably about 20 years ago, a friend of our family's father was dying. His wife, Ruby, had passed away about 10 years before. He and Ruby had been together over 50 years. Her father had been bedridden for weeks, and had been too weak to sit up and mostly...
  11. CharlesFamily

    People who enjoy reading

    There is almost nothing I like more than curling up with a good book in the winter! I believe the new Janet Evanovich book comes out in November (her Stephanie Plum series). They aren't very long, and kind of get predictable (I think this is number 18 or something like that) but I love to read...
  12. CharlesFamily

    AMAZING dog story

    Wendy, I understand exactly what you are saying. But the children in this country have access to health care - regardless of their family's ability to pay. In countries like the Phillipines, that just isn't true. And my heart breaks for that dog, it honestly does. I don't condemn anyone for...
  13. CharlesFamily

    For those of us who believe in Heaven

    Carolyn, your brother's story gave me goosebumps while I was reading it. So amazing and thanks for sharing! Barbara
  14. CharlesFamily

    AMAZING dog story

    I love animals - like everyone on this board. But I just cannot agree with this. That poor dog should be humanely euthanized and given a loving burial. That $20,000 could be spent bringing a child to America for life-saving surgery. And there are plenty of children in the Phillipines who...
  15. CharlesFamily

    Disposable Nation

    Very good topic! This was really brought home to me this summer during our 6 week stay in Ecuador. Nothing is disposable or wasted down there - and that is goods and food. It really opened my eyes to how much we do throw away. And it truly changed what we buy and use now that we are back...
  16. CharlesFamily

    For those of us who believe in Heaven

    Riverrose, Your story gave me goosebumps. I too have experienced something similar. Not a near death experience, but something that has always stuck with me was a story my mom told me years ago. My dad is a retired Columbus SWAT Officer. He was active on SWAT during the drug wars of the...
  17. CharlesFamily

    For those of us who believe in Heaven

    Wendy, that was beautiful. Thank you for sharing! Of course, I believe in Heaven. My Mom was given a glimpse once - more of a vision. She was in that state between wake and sleep - where you're not really asleep, kind of dozing. She saw herself having a picnic with my brother. They were in...
  18. CharlesFamily

    I'm Shattered, need comfort

    I am so very, very sorry for your loss. My heart aches for you. Barbara
  19. CharlesFamily

    SQUIRT Came Home w/ Sandy Photos & His Swag ♥

    Gorgeous! Congratulations!
  20. CharlesFamily

    Best apple pie EVER

    Both of the recipes sound super yummy! I love to cook, but I'm not much of a baker. I made my first "from scratch" apple pie this summer when we were in Ecuador. We were celebrating our own "Fourth of July" down there so we had some "American" food. No frozen pie crusts or canned pie filling...