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  1. CharlesFamily

    Easy Boneless / Skinless Chicken Breast Recipes?

    I'm all about super easy chicken dishes - especially if they can be done in the crockpot! Here was what we are having tomorrow - Slow Cooker Cheesy Chicken Quesadillas Ingredients: 4 chicken breasts (I just throw them in frozen) 1 (14 oz) can diced tomatoes, undrained 1 small can chopped...
  2. CharlesFamily

    New stallion...questions...and critique

    I'm no help on the color or on a formal critique - I just like what I like! And I do like him! I like his build, his overall balance as others have said. I really like that he isn't too narrow in the chest and has a nice rounded hind end. Beautiful boy!
  3. CharlesFamily

    Is something about to happen?

    Danielle, I'm sorry for the part I played in the drama going on in the discussion thread you started. I read it, saw the direction it was going, and logged out. But then I couldn't get out of my head what had been said, and I had to come back here and say something. I've had my say, I'm under...
  4. CharlesFamily

    Is something about to happen?

    Ozy - how DARE you insinuate that I am "lesser than" because I happen to believe in God! That my family and those who believe in what I believe are the downfalls of this world. And if you think that "peace on earth" would reign if religion didn't exist, then you are the one who is delusional...
  5. CharlesFamily

    Which one would you choose?

    My college roommate's parents owned exotic animals. They have since gotten out of that and had started doing it as a sort of rescue when they saw the baby tigers being sold at the Amish auctions. But I used to go up and visit them. I cannot describe the thrill of standing by the tiger...
  6. CharlesFamily

    Showing geldings

    We don't get to show much - but we only own geldings. I love them and they are great for my girls to work with. Barbara
  7. CharlesFamily

    My May Wedding (minis included - AND two forum members!)

    What a beautiful wedding! Congratulations! Barbara
  8. CharlesFamily

    You Can Always Find ____________ In My Fridge

    By Friday, our fridge is looking pretty bare as we typically go to the store on the weekend. We usually have: milk eggs butter orange juice yogurt lettuce/spinach typical condiments margarine (right now I have 4 tubs of it - not sure how that happened!) chicken salad - which is my...
  9. CharlesFamily

    New tv show American Bible Challenge

    Good for you! Sadly - I would have completely missed those. I am doing another "read the Bible in a year" study - which will probably take me two years to complete. But I'm still firmly in the Law right now. I'm looking forward to brushing up on my Old Testament knowledge. I had heard about...
  10. CharlesFamily

    Been a long time!

    It's so wonderful to see this update! The twins look fantastic and they are adorable! Glad things are going well on the "heart front." We will keep Blake in our prayers. Barbara
  11. CharlesFamily

    While you were distracted......

    Thanks Vickie! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! We are headed back next summer if you want to join us!
  12. CharlesFamily

    While you were distracted......

    Vickie, I would LOVE to have a chance to talk with you. I have done some "light skimming" on financial collapse. It is scary! So, until you call, I will leave with you with link to the video I recently uploaded of our trip - I hope you enjoy! Barbara
  13. CharlesFamily

    Am I the only one who has lost my nerve?

    Thank you all for sharing your stories and experiences! It helps to know I'm not the only one that feels this way. It's just frustrating when it was just second nature to me to ride. And I never imagined that I would be scared for my kids to ride. I was thrilled when I had two little girls...
  14. CharlesFamily

    While you were distracted......

    Tag - I do agree and was not running to my bank to pull out my meager funds. However, I do wish I understood more of the complex economics. It's such an important topic, but I just don't take the time to truly educate myself. The more educated you are on a topic, the easier it is to determine...
  15. CharlesFamily

    While you were distracted......

    Carriage, I love reading your posts, because I feel like my IQ goes up a couple of points each time I do - once I read through a few times and figure out what is being said (not because your writing is bad, but because you "talk" above me). So, if I'm reading this right, the money I have in...
  16. CharlesFamily

    Am I the only one who has lost my nerve?

    Thank you everyone for sharing your stories with me! It helps so much that I am not the only one! We all share such similar stories. I keep wondering if my daughters would have had "the horse bug" if I had pushed it more. But I was always afraid to let them ride outside the arena or do...
  17. CharlesFamily

    Am I the only one who has lost my nerve?

    I rode this morning for the first time in over a year. Today is one of those absolutely beautiful days that you wait for after a long hot summer - sunny, cool and no humidity. When I was younger, I would've been out on the trails all day on a day like today. I guess that's why I felt the need...
  18. CharlesFamily

    Jury Duty

    I got my first letter for jury duty this spring. I was so excited! I had always wanted to do it and I had never had the opportunity. Here, you just have to call in the night before the dates they give you and see if there is a trial scheduled for the next day. Unfortunately, it must have...
  19. CharlesFamily

    The 2012 US Elections -- An Interesting Insight

    I truly wish there were term limits in Congress. Then maybe people would be more concerned with actually DOING their job instead of just KEEPING their job. That's just one of the many problems I see - the list is long and the truth is, until the majority of the American public wakes up and...
  20. CharlesFamily

    The 2012 US Elections -- An Interesting Insight

    Amen! How I wish this were so. And I wish there was even the remote possibility things would change in my lifetime. Barbara