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  1. CharlesFamily

    What Are Some of Your Favorite NON-Horse Items

    Of course, my family (even though they're not an "item") Our camper - LOVE camping! Books - cannot live without reading! My new laptop - so much fun and how in the world did I waste time before Facebook and Lil' Beginnings?? My bed - hubby and I broke down a year and a half ago and bought a...
  2. CharlesFamily

    The 2nd video of Rosie and me... taken the same day.

    Karla, I loved both of the videos! It looks like you are both having so much fun! Thanks for sharing! Barbara
  3. CharlesFamily

    Team Work

    Too cute! I love the adventures of O So and Pippin! Barbara
  4. CharlesFamily


    This is my tidbit! My brand new nephew, Landon Patrick! This is my oldest daughter, Olivia, holding him. He was born this morning. Our family is overflowing with happiness!
  5. CharlesFamily

    Happy Fathers Day

    Happy Father's Day to all of the Dads out there! I have been so blessed to have wonderful men in my life, starting with my Dad! He is just amazing and I love watching him be a Papaw to my girls. When my youngest daughter was 9 days old, she was diagnosed with a life-threatening heart...
  6. CharlesFamily

    If You Could Have Any Career -- What Would It Be?

    I'm a teacher and absolutely love what I do. I decided to be a teacher in 8th grade and never changed my mind after that! However, like others have said, I love to write and would love to have the time to actually explore that - maybe children's books or novels, who knows! My husband tells me...
  7. CharlesFamily

    Just wanted to share my trip back to Oregon

    Wow! I am so sorry that all of this is going on back home, but so glad that you were able to be there and not 3000 miles away when all of this was happening. I will be praying for your mom and your sister and for you. I know it will be hard to be back home and so far away from everyone and...
  8. CharlesFamily

    Really Bad Day

    Wow! I think you definitely win the award for crappiest/craziest day ever! I hope you are getting some rest and that today is better! Praying for you and your fur kids! Barbara
  9. CharlesFamily

    Top 12 Reasons People Voted Democrat in 2008

    Thank you for sharing this! I didn't know about it and I will be sure to set my DVR. I do try and be as informed as I can when it comes to voting. And I am REALLY hoping my party can find someone with a chance of winning to run in 2012! Barbara
  10. CharlesFamily

    What would you do?

    In my opinion, you have given Britches a good life. He has been loved and well taken care of. You have done what you can. I had a horse like your Britches. HIs name was Leo. I loved that horse more than anything at that time - he truly was the love of my life. At the age of 28, he colicked...
  11. CharlesFamily

    Simple things that make me smile

    Hooray for you! Pumpkins are fun to grow. Every fall in my classroom when we carve pumpkins the kids make seed packets and I wash the seeds and each child takes some home to save until spring. I take some home, too, and plant them so we have more pumpkins next year! So neat to watch them...
  12. CharlesFamily

    Top 12 Reasons People Voted Democrat in 2008

    Hmmmmm - Number 12 absolutely applies to the dogmatic extremists of both parties! I know this was supposed to be a "tongue in cheek" kind of thing, but as a registered Republican, I CAN tell you why I voted Democrat in 2008, and why I did again for governor in 2010 and why it's not looking...
  13. CharlesFamily

    Relationship advice

    I see some red flags here. If it was just about the cleaning up and stuff, I would definitely just chalk it up to maturity and his first time being on his own. But the fact that you guys have only been living together for 3 months (not sure how long you were together before that) and you are...
  14. CharlesFamily

    What is your opinion on this?

    I am the oldest of two children - I have a younger brother. My mom chose not to have him circumcised. In the 1970's, this was almost unheard of. Almost every boy infant was routinely circumcised and my mom had to fight to NOT have it done. She just felt that it was his and he should grow up...
  15. CharlesFamily

    Buckeroo get & grand get

    Here is our Buckeroo grandson, by Little Kings Buckwheat - this is Irish Hills LKF Junior Jinx. Not the best picture, but taken on Saturday with "his girl" my twelve-year-old daughter, Olivia.
  16. CharlesFamily

    What do you think?

    It is interesting the range of responses you get with this question! I hauled my minis in my new trailer for the first time yesterday. It is a 16' stock trailer with a full divider in the middle that gives you a front and back area. My horses are all geldings, but the bigger boys tend to pick...
  17. CharlesFamily

    A couple of candid show shots of my girls

    We went to our first show of the season yesterday - and the girls' second show ever. They love showing and the Buckeye Miniature Horse Club does a great job of putting together a nice, informal fun show. It's a great way to get your feet wet in the show ring (literally too since it seems to be...
  18. CharlesFamily

    My heartache has eased

    He is a doll! Congratulations! I love his face and those white legs. Barbara
  19. CharlesFamily

    2011 Foal of Irish Hills Farm

    Love them all! But Justin and Mateo are definitely something special. I LOVE Justin's head and Mateo just knows he is "all that!" Barbara
  20. CharlesFamily

    Bella unfolded

    She is absolutely gorgeous! I love her face! Barbara