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  1. bluerogue


    I believe Sihri is citing faults with the practice (that's how I read it). I do line breed, but I will not breed anything closer than common grandparents. That's my personal preference. When it works, the results are worth it. When it doesn't, it can be heart breaking. However, I feel that by...
  2. bluerogue

    Purina Miniature Horse and Pony Feed

    I also am feeding it. Currently only my stallion, but he is doing exceptionally well on it. His condition improved immediately, as he had run weight off during the month and a half he was in with mares. He's also getting alfalfa, and is very happy! I am VERY pleased with this grain! I also pay...
  3. bluerogue

    stallion attacking child

    Eagle, I'm sorry your stallion had a moment, and I hope your son is going to recover both physically, and in his love for his horse. But I do have to say, I think your stalls are really neat!
  4. bluerogue

    Hay Prices!! OUCH

    I don't buy from Elverta Feed for reasons like this. The old man who owns the feed store is not a very nice guy, in my opinion and experience. I don't think he'll return any of your money. I haven't been there in a few years, but the last time I was, it made me not ever want to go back there. I...
  5. bluerogue

    Hay Prices!! OUCH

    We buy from Eric Roloff, Sandy. We end up getting hay every 3 weeks or so. I can only store about 16 bales at a time. I would love to be able to store more, but we just don't have the storage space. All our horses are fat and shiny (save the older rescued mare, who is getting there, and our even...
  6. bluerogue

    Hay Prices!! OUCH

    O So, I buy small scale from a grower. It is good quality hay. We meet him in East Nicolaus to pick up the hay. It was $11 a bale this morning, but we got the alfalfa, which had some grass mixed in. He has real nice tri-forage, as well. Let me know if you want his name and number. When I have to...
  7. bluerogue

    Hay Prices!! OUCH

    Bales here in California are usually 100 pounds or so. I got hay this morning, and we paid $11 a bale, but we buy straight from the grower. It's a lovely mostly alfalfa and grass mix. My mares were very happy to see us stacking it!
  8. bluerogue

    The Glorious Effects of Purina's Miniature Horse & Pony Feed!

    I'm very excited to see the effects of this feed on Pete! I bought a bag for my stallion (who is currently skinny, because the brat will not stop running fences). Here's hoping Hollywood improves as quickly as Pete did! Pictures is Hollywood before he ran all his weight off running fences (and...
  9. bluerogue

    colour experts

    I have a smokey grulla who has hazel colored eyes. Really quite stunning, and she's a beautiful, friendly mare. I've been told she is champagne, but I believe it is not possible with her bloodlines (and she doesn't show all the characteristics, anyway). I have seen both her sire and dam in...
  10. bluerogue

    How far away would you send your mare away to be bred?

    I've sent mares out, but to one farm... someone close by, and someone I trust. I have 4 mares, and my stallion there right now. I'm really leery on sending any of my horses far away. I've heard too many horror stories, and have been involved in a rescue situation from someone we thought could be...
  11. bluerogue

    Beware where you list your horse

    I'll respond a bit for Michelle... as I went with her to rescue the second group. Michelle and I went and picked up 3 other mares December 1st. Two were in skinny to fair condition. The third was very skinny. We were not able to get the other horses that person had. I tried to see if she would...
  12. bluerogue

    Let's see your favorite, personally owned Buckeroo relation

    We own 3 Buckeroo bred mares. One black grand-daughter, and two great grand-daughters (a grulla and a silver buckskin, sired by a son of Buck Echo- they are half sisters). It's terribly hard to choose a favorite... one I've admired for years, and finally got to call her mine last Monday. The...
  13. bluerogue

    What Are Your Future Plans?

    I'm now at a place with my herd where I'm happy and excited about the future. I do still have several horses I started out with, but I've added some new ones, and the quality is overall better now than when I started. My numbers are comfortable, and I'm planning on breeding 3 mares for next...
  14. bluerogue

    Need some help

    Another idea for covering her ears is to use ladies nylons. You know, nylons that women wear with heels and skirts. It will require some sewing savvy, but the knit of the nylons will keep out most bugs. You just sew it so it has ear pieces, and ties under the chin. If she gets it caught on...
  15. bluerogue

    Error Messages?

    I've been getting that error for a few days now. It's really getting frustrating. I hope they fix it soon.
  16. bluerogue

    Newbies WAKE UP

    Molly, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Your experience has been negative with geldings, so of course your opinion will be negative. Mine has been pretty positive, so I have no problem with geldings. I've gelded a few of my own, but never purchased a gelding. I've had some good...
  17. bluerogue

    2 year old colt is confounding me!

    I've used the poking myself. I started off using my thumb, but I was jamming my thumbs and it hurt. So I bought a small riding crop. I turn it around, so the bat part is facing me (the "noisemaker" part- usually ends up in front of my thighs). I leave just enough of the end of the handle...
  18. bluerogue

    Appy question

    The dark appy spots like that are called reverse spots (that's what I've always heard them called). Our Orion granddaughter has spots like that. She's a light silver dapple varnish roan appy, and has white spots, as well as very dark spots. They could be Ben D'Or spots, but they could just as...
  19. bluerogue

    Dope 'Em

    That's still very dangerous behavior, LaVern. I had a colt like that, and if gelding didn't stop it, I would have put him down. He came darn close to getting put down before we tried gelding. He did hurt me, several times, and the rest of my family was afraid of him. He was defiant, like your...
  20. bluerogue

    Dope 'Em

    Well, I have to say I support your decision. You knew the horse best. If you tried for 3 years to help her over her issues, you tried. How many people would spend 3 years trying to help in that situation? In your place, I probably would have made the same decision. A horse (even a mini) who...