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  1. M

    Silver Mist (Misty) - 4/25/84 - 7/29/05

    Liz, I'm saddened by your loss. I know you will always have wonderful memories of Misty. God Bless you both. ((hugs))
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    Horse Barns

    We have a metal pole barn and I have NO problems with it. Where the horses can come and go into the barn, we put up 1x12x12 on the walls half way up incase of any kicking or messing around. The roof is shingled so I think that helps cut down some of the noise from the rain. I keep both doors...
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    How do you disinfect your plastic stock tanks?

    Thanks for some great suggestions. I don't know if it's more the plastic tanks or what, but the slime builds up much faster, so I definitely scrub it once or twice weekly.
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    Marty!! Marty!! Where are You??

    I already can't stand the suspense of Holly foaling..I can only imagine how you must be feeling!! Hang in there the best you can and I'm hoping she popped out that baby this weekend!!!!
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    How do you disinfect your plastic stock tanks?

    I would like to disinfect my plastic stock tanks within the next week or two and was wondering what might be safe to use?? Thanks.
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    price of trimming?

    Our new farrier charges $30.00 for the first mini and $10.00 for each additional, I currently have 5. He has to drive quite a ways to get here, but it's worth it, he made TREMENDOUS progress with our gelding who foundered. It's sometimes hard to get him out when I need him too, like right now...
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    Stallion got in with mares last night

    Well I was hoping for one year with no mare stare, I guess that isn't going to happen!! Sometime in the middle of the night our stallion broke apart 2 gates (that seperated the boys from the girls) and was breeding our mare who just foaled 5 1/2 weeks ago!! I was hoping he didn't finish his...
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    What a cute filly!! CONGRATS
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    Insurance company wants fencer OUTSIDE

    Thanks for some great suggestions, I plan on putting it to good use this weekend, to get this underwriter off my back. Oh and thanks for the laughs, picturing the 'ant dance' made my day!!
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    HELP! Central Point (Oregon) AMHA & AMHR shows

    Kathy, are you going to get into showing this year?? If so, my best goes out to you!!!
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    Insurance company wants fencer OUTSIDE

    We switched insurance companies and when the underwriter came out he said he wanted our electric fencer outside the barn!! It's suppose to be placed inside but he really doesn't care. Any ideas on what to mount it in, to keep it out of the weather?? Do they even sell anything for this?? THanks
  12. M

    How many horses do YOU have?

    I have 5 mini's, which btw is my limit!! 2 mares 1 filly 1 gelding 1 stallion
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    Mini Express?

    It's funny to see this post as I had ordered a couple halters back on the 26th and have not received them yet, but after a couple left messages she did leave one for me. This is my first order with her and was hoping this was just a fluke.
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    Coming out of the closet(sort of)

    Welcome from Mid Michigan.
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    What is the latest you ever weaned??

    Thanks for all your input and experience with this. I will take it all in and make the best decision based on my observation of my mare & foal. Thanks again.
  16. M

    OMG I am getting the CUTEST colt EVER!!!

    CONGRATS, he's a doll.
  17. M

    Is she pregnant??

    She doesn't look pregnant to me in those pics!! But what a beautiful horse.
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    What is the latest you ever weaned??

    I see alot of posts on how soon can you wean, but my question is how long can you leave the mare and foal together without ill effects?? I was hoping to leave our mare in with the foal thru winter (filly born 6/7/05), as I don't plan on letting our mare get pregnant for next year. Is there a...
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    I know I can't make it all right ----

    I would prefer someone to PM me instead of possiblymaking me feel worse by pointing it out to the entire forum. I would like to think everyone who is a member here or even just reads the posts is here for good reasons, as in proper horse maintenance, proper ways to train, etc. I personally...
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    Foundered Mare Needs New Home

    She's definitely a very pretty mare. I think weight definitely plays a part. YIKES about the bute!! We had a gelding founder last August who is now making great strides with basically a change of diet and no treats. Unfortunately I don't know what a person would be willing to pay for a...