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  1. CharlesFamily


    I have had big horses all my life - but always wanted a mini and bought my first one when I was 20. I couldn't believe how different they are from big horses. My big horse friends don't usually understand why I don't ride anymore and why I would want to have these little horses. But I just...
  2. CharlesFamily

    Wolf Teeth

    My Toy just had his taken out on March 7. It was really easy. Our vet did it. She did sedate him, then used a tool to loosen it up some and pulled them right out. I was amazed at how tiny they are! He was fine. Our vet advised us to not put a bit in his mouth for at least a week - two...
  3. CharlesFamily

    Newbies WAKE UP

    Eagle, I don't think you should take offense to this post! You call yourself a newbie - but I don't think anyone else would! I know for me what is frustrating with minis is that people who have NO horse experience buy them - and typically their first horse is a stallion. Now, these same...
  4. CharlesFamily

    Getting past life, getting back to "normal"

    Thanks for the update! I had been worried about Blake. We will be praying for that precious boy! Hugs, Barbara
  5. CharlesFamily

    Newbies WAKE UP

    I saw this list on another blog just after reading this one, so thought it was very applicable and I would share. I know many don't agree with the WAY Fugly blog states things - but there is a lot of truth in WHAT she says. In her most current post, she was listing things about being a...
  6. CharlesFamily

    Clicker training

    I wanted to reply to your post even though I am VERY new to clicker training - but I am definitely sold on it! I have been reading up on it and decided to give it a try tonight. I started with my gelding Frankie and we started with easy things that he already knew, but was more used to a...
  7. CharlesFamily

    My minis want to be cows, clowns and racehorses!!!

    I'm glad you started this! My daughter has been begging to do costume this year and I am having a hard time coming up with A) anything original and B) something that can be created with my limited sewing/crafting skills! Love the pictures! Barbara
  8. CharlesFamily

    Took Guinea Pigs

    That is great! When I first started teaching, one of my co-teachers bought two guinea pigs as class pets. I had never been around them and figured they were just like big hamsters with more hair! I couldn't believe how much personality they had! They made great class pets! I had a rabbit...
  9. CharlesFamily

    yep, minis can really be smart - watch McKee do "scent" work

    That is awesome! You have me sold on the benefits of clicker training! Now I just need to educate myself and get started! Barbara
  10. CharlesFamily

    Where is Robin/REO?

    Glad it was just a computer crash! Now I am going to hijack this thread to ask about another missing member - Frankie/Carolyn. Has anyone heard from her? She posted when she got back from celebrating the twins' birthday and asked for prayers for Blake and I know his next surgery was coming...
  11. CharlesFamily

    Prayers please for new born twins....

    Definitely praying for these two precious babies! My nieces were both born premature - Kambree at 26 weeks and Sidney at 28 weeks. I know the miracles that can happen with these babies! Barbara
  12. CharlesFamily


    I'm glad this topic was started! We have been thinking about getting some chickens - only 2 or 3 as we can't have many. I saw this on Craigslist. What are your opinions? We live in town, but are grandfathered in for livestock, so I couldn't just let them free range. I like that this is...
  13. CharlesFamily

    NWMHC Trip report

    That looks like a great time! Thank you for sharing those awesome pictures! Barbara
  14. CharlesFamily

    AMHR Registration Question

    Okay - that's what I was afraid of! Luckily I looked through my e-mail and I still kept one of the seller's e-mails so I will be contacting her to see if I can get one completed. Thanks for your help! Barbara
  15. CharlesFamily

    would like some opinions/help

    I want to apologize. I typed out my saga just wanting to give my perspective and it turned out sounding like a lecture. I truly didn't mean it that way. I intended to help you see why some people are worried. I know my biggest worry was becaues I remembered when you first started posting and...
  16. CharlesFamily

    AMHR Registration Question

    Thank you for your response! So if I go back to the breeder, I can just fill in the date of gelding on the new Application (which I do know) and not have to have a gelding certificate? I hope so! Thanks again! Barbara
  17. CharlesFamily

    AMHR Registration Question

    I bought a miniature gelding in October. He was 3 years old and the seller stated he was registered with AMHR. After I loaded him in the trailer, she hands me papers which are completed applications - so he was never registered. That was fine, I know his breeder so I figured I could get...
  18. CharlesFamily

    I am now the new owner of....

    Congratulations! Bandito is gorgeous and Sheryl is absolutely wonderful to work with! Barbara
  19. CharlesFamily

    a thank you to all you mini breeders out there

    I totally agree! Well said! I applaud all of those incredible farms who are breeding with forethought, planning and the abilities and means to take care of any situation that arises. And I am thankful for this website that taught me for sure I am NOT that person! So I will enjoy drooling...
  20. CharlesFamily

    would like some opinions/help

    Then it sounds to me like you are on the right track! I did look at the links and I do like those stallions. Since I don't breed, I'm not going to give my opinion because there are far more experienced people on here that know more about which lines cross better with which, etc. I want to...