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  1. M

    oops. Luminata`s breeding?

    I have been getting a number of emails asking about Lumy`s breeding. First, I have said she is NOT registered. Her parents where but her sire was gelded and put out right away with a bunch of mares and thus Lumy was born! I have dug up her purchase agreement. I bought Lumy and her momma...
  2. M

    mini andalusian?

    A half "mini" in utero starts at $1000...and purebred andalusian starts at $5000(minium). Once on the ground a partbred would start at $12-1500 where as a purebred foal (Andalusian) would be from $6-25000. I could not afford to bred a purebred mare to anything BUT a purebred due to the fact I...
  3. M

    mini andalusian?

    That`s okay jane. The purebred Andalusian is an exspensive horse. I do the cross for the market of Half Andalusians. As I said, I see too many kids, "over horsed", meaning they are put on horses Way to big for them to fully enjoy! A child should be able to have a horse their size so they can...
  4. M

    mini andalusian?

    Hello, for fear of being jumped on I would think that before anyone ever jumps to any conclusions they should ALWAYS go to the source before assuming anything. I am the owner of the "miniature Andalusian" filly you are all talking about. First, I do not do my own website and don`t regularly...