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  1. L

    Another AMHA look up please

  2. L

    Another AMHA look up please

    Hi: I would really appreciate a pedigree look up on the following Mare: Glenfall Fairy Fudge AMHA A20293 Thanks!!
  3. L

    Stouts lines

    Thanks for the info everyone. I am aware that pedigree doesnt mean everything and that a farm will have a variety of quality from even the same stallion. However, I think there are some stallions that have strong genetic triats that they repeatedly can pass on. I was wondering if there is...
  4. L

    Stouts lines

    Hi: I am wondering if anyone here knows much about the "Stout" bloodlines. Do these horse run on the large size typically? Do you like these lines or not? What characteristics do they usually throw? My new stallion is all Stouts lines(both sides)--sire is Stouts sir George. I am very...
  5. L

    Help with AMHR lookup (from long time lurker)

    Thanks so much for the look up!!
  6. L

    Help with AMHR lookup (from long time lurker)

    Hi: I am a long time lurker here (too chicken to post) that would really appreciate help with anyone looking up any info as to numbers of foals produced and any other info regarding these foals produced by my new Stallion Stouts Showdown AMHR 44291A and would also like to know if my now Gelding...