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  1. L

    Weight loss

    That is AWESOME Susan, you two are doing great!!!
  2. L

    The loss of one of Lil Beginnings most loved horses.

    I'm so sorry Liz and family Our old Fancy just keept going and at 39, it's not always easy. These old girls sure have deep roots in our hearts...
  3. L

    Weight loss

    Good ideas!! Pickles, I love, but I have found that even most dills have HFCS. (high fructose corn syrup) nuts is that? I did find one brand that doesn't have it, so that's what I'm eating
  4. L

    Weight loss

    Ok folks, time to fess up again. I'm sick as a DOG, so I'm not weighing, because I don't care today Mia was sick all week, but got well in time to go back to school and her Dad's on Friday, now Zac and I are sick. yuck! How has this week gone for you all? Losses? Any special...
  5. L

    Test ride today

    Congrats! She sounds perfect for you
  6. L

    Horse joke

    LOL, me too!
  7. L


    Ummm...I'm going to call that a D ring snaffle with a curb chain on there for some reason. It's not a Kimberwicke . My mustang mare (after 12 years or so) went well in a Kimberwicke (or a mild Tom Thumb) and it seemed to keep her a little lighter in my hands when she was actually on the bit...
  8. L

    Neat story

    Amen You know, those of us with young children can make a difference in the lives of our children and people we may never see again, by showing our children in words and deed that ALL people are worthy of a kind word, our respect and even a simple acknowledgement that they ARE. It costs...
  9. L


    LOL, I think this is me, except my remote's going back and forth between CNN and Fox News
  10. L

    Right place at the right time

    What a great story and what a literal lifesaver for that sweet baby!
  11. L

    Car impounded after dog drives

  12. L

    Speaking of love

    Our love is always with you Bonnie
  13. L

    Now that the election is over and we have a new Pres

    Well nothing can happen as quickly as we would like it to. It's going to take months to start the planning and years in the implementation of changes this country needs. Will our soldiers start coming home? I hope so, but I believe many of them will go to Afganistan to support forces there and...
  14. L


    Thank you so much Donna. Senetor McCain's speech was wonderful and reminded me of the man I have long admired. He was incredibly gracious, humble and above all, a true servant of this great country...a fine man.
  15. L

    If you've voted today or early

    THANK YOU everyone who's participating!!!!!
  16. L

    You be the judge for me,

    He was wong, super wrong, but I'm impressed by his knowledge and well...guts. For the teacher, that's just unacceptable, period. He had every right to be in her face, yelling his head off IMO, but he went about it his *almost* justified own way..I bet his teacher couldn't have done it He...
  17. L

    Voting problems...

    Easy breezy here in our little 350 person community
  18. L

    What a difference a century makes

    That's awesome!
  19. L

    If You Haven't Already Voted

    Thanks for the reminder I did thank our ladies this morning, they are doing a great job!!
  20. L

    If you've voted today or early

    I don't know I had intended as an unofficial members poll, so I would say one vote for each member