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  1. poniesrule

    Swollen nose? And now a dog attack...

    Not sure I know what FWIW means.... The neighbor is sitting out there watching for the dog to return, and he is retired with nothing better to do, and he is armed He's my new best friend!! He was in tears when he was telling me about what happened, and he said it wouldn't happen again, even...
  2. poniesrule

    tail bags

    Ditto to the tube socks. I always used those for the full sized horses. Just cut 4 strips on the top, braid the clean tail, stuff it in & tie it through the braid. We don't have any sock laying around this year, so if you have any sewing skills at all, it's pretty easy to make a colorful tube...
  3. poniesrule

    Bandy's Foaling Thread - Round 2!

    Welcome Brody & Bandy! I am not a breeder, but a stalker of the foaling threads... Learning a ton without having hands on experience. I also have 2 young children and we are starting slowly like you. The experienced people here will be your best friends. I simply love reading all of the...
  4. poniesrule

    Swollen nose? And now a dog attack...

    So I had a really fun weekend too! Yesterday, we got home from an out-of-town wedding, went straight to the barn and checked the boys over & gave them their breakfast. Then it started raining so we went home instead of spending more time out there. About an hour & a half later we got a phone...
  5. poniesrule


    Wonderful! So happy for all of you involved. Such special little horses & people. Thank you for giving them a second chance!
  6. poniesrule

    Spring cleaning part 1 is finished. The Tack Room

    Why is it that I can clean out a barn/tackroom/trailer all day long, but shudder at the thought of cleaning the house?! Your tackroom looks FANTASTIC! Well done!
  7. poniesrule


    My absolute FAVORITE flower!!! Mine won't be blooming for a while either jacks' -- makes me sad! There is a hybrid breeder here in Nebraska, Blue J Iris' and he ships out all over. You should see their place, pretty much insane how many iris' there are! It's fun to look on their website & see...
  8. poniesrule

    Goodbye my little fellow, my little friend

    So sorry for your loss. Sending hugs your way.
  9. poniesrule

    Missy's Foaling Thread - HE'S HERE!!!!

    Somehow I missed Rory's birth over the weekend, but wow is he GORGEOUS! Can't wait to hear about his happy young life! Congratulations!!
  10. poniesrule

    Swollen nose? And now a dog attack...

    And today we had a dog attack them & they ran through the fence. What. A. Week. Will update more tomorrow, both are fine, just very shaken. More muscle soreness than anything. I need to wrap them in bubble wrap....
  11. poniesrule

    Swollen nose? And now a dog attack...

    Ok. He is on an antibiotic & buts. He seems to be doing very well, no more fever or breathing troubles. Hopefully it was just the heat Friday! The vet I use is fabulous with horses, but she's a one woman show, that makes it hard to work with her at times. The local clinic is....... Interesting...
  12. poniesrule

    Swollen nose? And now a dog attack...

    Well, ended up with a 103 temp. I'm freaking out, the vet doesn't seem to care. Finally get ahold of my regular vet, she's 3 hours away so said to get banimine from local vet. Go there, they won't give it to me until they see him again but the gal that came out Tuesday is tied up, would tomorrow...
  13. poniesrule

    Swollen nose? And now a dog attack...

    Well, ended up with a 103 temp. I'm freaking out, the vet doesn't seem to care. Finally get ahold of my regular vet, she's 3 hours away so said to get banimine from local vet. Go there, they won't give it to me until they see him again but the gal that came out Tuesday is tied up, would tomorrow...
  14. poniesrule

    Ruby's foaling thread

    Oh man... he is ADORABLE! Love the video clip!
  15. poniesrule

    Swollen nose? And now a dog attack...

    Well, swelling is localized right where (in the side picture) bump is. It doesn't seem to be close to the eyes or any closer to the nostrils. I have clipped his head & neck, & he stays inside with a neck warmer on overnight. The days are about 68-72 in the shade, and a lot warmer in the sun...
  16. poniesrule

    Anything goes -If you cannot take the heat Do Not Read.

    Anyone ever heard Merle's song "Rainbow Stew"? Sorry, total squirrel moment, but the lyrics make me think... Anyways, is it too late? Will we always feel like no matter what our voices aren't heard? Will we always ask ourselves just WHO determines what we are told/how we are told the so called...
  17. poniesrule

    Missy's Foaling Thread - HE'S HERE!!!!

    Wonderful!! Can't wait to meet baby. I think she is luck to have you, but you (as you know) are lucky to have her. What a sweet little mare!
  18. poniesrule

    Swollen nose? And now a dog attack...

    Good news! I had the new vet on staff come out today, she still likes me haha! She thinks he had his nose where it didn't belong and it really is a kick. I'll be watching for excessive discharge around the eyes and nose, and any changes in appetite or behavior, but all seems well. She said that...
  19. poniesrule

    Swollen nose? And now a dog attack...

    Just called the local vet. I fired them in November, so we'll see how this goes ha! Heading over now, will post update. I'll try to get a good pic of the fence too. Sigh....
  20. poniesrule

    Swollen nose? And now a dog attack...

    Yesterday was a fun day, NOT! I went out to the barn after work only to find that my little naughty boys managed to get out of their pen and into the pasture with another boarder's large mares. I assume (by the hair left on the fence) that they somehow crawled over the hog wire mesh, under the...