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  1. C

    What would you use now to worm your horses if you are going to

    Per our vet---use the zimectrin and start them on the daily wormer the following days feeding. The daily wormers are for stronghoid so you need the dose of zimectrin to hit everything.
  2. C


    we had a Morgan mare years ago that had it. Absolutely no hay was given her, pelleted food only. Hay dust is the worse. The kids were small so she was not ridden hard or long so fit our family fine. The internet says they do much better on grass fields also. Shavings--no dusty stray and keep...
  3. C

    Bratty Colt

    The yearling spring awakening! You worked really hard with him earlier and he just needs it again. Walk into him and in a circle if he wont go forward. Backing is a good thing but needs to be on your command, not his. Stand in front, tap on chest with a whip handle and back him every time he...
  4. C

    Amy (Click Mini)

    :no: :no: Amy: Wishing that all continues to improve. You have had a bad year and this has to be the last of your problems. We know that you SO love your little guys. Prayers and good thoughts being sent your way.
  5. C

    The Snow storm

    Well that is certainly more than we got. Had a few hours of snowflakes but did not stick long enough for pictures. I wanted to take pictures of the poor daffodils trying to bloom. South and West of Tacoma was much more. Predicted for tonite again.
  6. C

    Cart question

    Adjust the shafts in the holders so the end of the shaft is not past the horses shoulders. Then wrap in front, then in back of the holders--double wrap if possible.
  7. C

    Can someone explain the hula hoop in obstacle

    Yes, it is a place marker for pivoting or passing over the body. Different size hoops are used. Mainly get the horse used to it--stepping into it--back feet are always difficult. Hang it on their neck to desensitize them. Strangely we have had them use flour for circles and the horses would...
  8. C

    need web building help

    I ended up buying PDF creator for under 20.00 at office max. But there are a lot of freebies on the internet by searching for pdf maker. I started doing a newsletter and needed to convert my microsoft publisher to readable files for everyone to use.
  9. C

    Head and Neck Clipping

    :saludando: Mine is definitely not professional. Just could not wait to see the head on my 9 month old filly. This is Black Tie's Hotshot Snicker Bar Her unruly mane covers most of the shaved neck so defeated my purpose.
  10. C

    need web building help

    You would probably have better luck if you made them into PDF's. They are Jpgs like a picture. You reduced their size for the webpage but in reality are a lot bigger and print that way.
  11. C

    Can you join AMHR online?

    no, you cant pay online. You can fax it in with a credit card number if you dont want to mail it.
  12. C

    Regarding phone call I just got re: Agriculture

    yes, I did not return the surveys they kept sending as I did not feel I was a farm. I live in a residential area with my 8 minis I show. She said everyone had to answer who have animals even if they don't live on a farm. Yeah, really spooky! It is an animal census and supposedly manditory
  13. C

    Dancing With the Stars

    I agree that Drew was the greatest. That had to be the cutest freestyle dancing I have seen yet! Jerry is really improving weekly and having fun. Stacey was really stiff and not at all their best dancing.
  14. C

    lets see them yearlings.........

    Black Tie's Hotshot Snicker Bar-9 months old I just had to clip the other day to see the head under that buffalo head. She is for sale but will show her some this spring if not sold. The clipping certainly gave her new attitude. Before: With head clipped:
  15. C

    10 reasons why I can't wait for show season...

    Leia: I am hoping to get to Happs on Sunday for the 4 up teams and learn hitching, etc. March 19Th. Great way too learn the multiple hitches that I have not had access to see. The Trails arena in Olympia is having an open show that weekend with miniature classes on Saturday night. So dont...
  16. C

    NW Snow

    We just got snow flurries while we were on poop patrol yesterday. Was actually kind of neat. None stuck to roads or anything. The change of weather sure has the horses in the playful mood though.
  17. C

    Check out my new Website!!!

    :aktion033: :aktion033: Nice webpage and that is a pretty boy you have there. You must be hiding in where it is warm. I am originally from south of Hastings Nebraska. My sister just emailed from Kansas and said temperature had really dropped there. Never fails when you have a mare due soon.
  18. C

    New on The forum / How to get to know others

    Welcome to the group. I too love to drive. Here is my webpage for you to check out I have been in minis for about 6 years and have 8 minis. I show in the northwest.
  19. C

    Day 337...should be anytime, now

    You need to start whispering to that little one. Looks like more wind storms and heavy rain on the way. Hope to see you post pictures of a little one today!
  20. C

    Computer question, can anyone help

    Try going to file-pull down to page setup. Change your margin setting to be less than the default. Hope it works.