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  1. Kendra

    Future genre catagories (need feedback)

    I'll read most anything ... you know, other than horror and suspense, LOL! I like romances, though that seems to be an unpopular choice. ;-) I'd never read an Urban Fantasy in my life, and my friend suggested I try The Enchantment Emporium by Tanya Huff because it's set in Calgary (where we...
  2. Kendra

    Genre for December is HORROR/SUSPENSE

    Oh no, definitely not "scared away"! This new forum and book club is a great idea!
  3. Kendra

    J.K. Rowling

    Love Snape, of course, but my favorite is Mrs. Weasley. Love how she took out Bellatrix.
  4. Kendra

    Genre for December is HORROR/SUSPENSE

    I'm not sure I'm brave enough to read in this genre! ;-)
  5. Kendra

    From a narrative's viewpoint

    I like either, but I think first person is harder to do well than third. It's pretty limiting to have to stick with one point of view for the whole story. Really, so long as they stick with their point of view character, I'm good with it. I can't stand frequent POV changes -...
  6. Kendra

    Multiple Personalities

    Sometimes, a new pen name for an author is a question of sales - if their final book with one publisher didn't sell out, then another publisher isn't likely to take a chance on them, no matter how impressive their sales were in early books. They need a new pen name for a fresh start, and it...
  7. Kendra

    What Are Your FAVORITE Ever Books?

    Bookmarking this Susanne - I haven't read a good light mystery series in a while. My mom and I read many of The Cat Who books for a while several years ago, we enjoyed them.
  8. Kendra

    What Are Your FAVORITE Ever Books?

    Me too. Those darn commercials get to me all the time! I cried through half of The Book Thief. And yet, it does have as happy an ending as you could hope for, given the setting and situation. Very powerful book. I know what you mean though - I read for enjoyment. I don't read Jennifer Weiner...
  9. Kendra

    What Are Your FAVORITE Ever Books?

    I enjoyed reading this thread! Hadn't noticed the new forum before today! I'm not good at favorites - I love ALL books, hence my excessive collection - but I do have books that I re-read on a regular basis. A Little Princess and The Secret Garden have been favorites since I first read them as...
  10. Kendra

    Canadian History Quiz

    That was fun, Matt, thanks for the link! I got 15/21
  11. Kendra

    Weird Question on Pregnant Mare aborting - Possible Twins?

    I have heard of mares aborting a twin, and carrying the other to term, so it's possible your mare is still pregnant, but it would be very unlikely. The reason it is so uncommon to have healthy twins carried to term, is that the two placentas have to attach exactly over half the uterus for each...
  12. Kendra

    Spinoff from Aged Gelding Halter Class topic

    Our show string this summer included 13, 16 and 22 year old geldings. They don't have an expiry date. ;-) Have lots of fun with your new boys!
  13. Kendra

    A question for those of you who feed from round bales

    Occasionally we notice it looks precarious and go push it over. The lady who makes the nets told us she puts them on their side for her Miniature horses, for less "mushroom" effects.
  14. Kendra

    Harness irritating horse

    I struggle with finding a well fit saddle - one harness I use has too little wither space for Hawk, when he was competing Prelim CDE, and once when I didn't pad it for a pleasure show he ended up with two round welts on top of his withers from the screws - yuck! So then one marathon (a very...
  15. Kendra

    Slow feeder users updates?

    We use EcoNets and really like them. Use everything from 2 flake to round bale size nets in 1" mesh - and I hear they now have 3/4" mesh available. Our round bale nets have held up through 2 (maybe 3? not sure) winters with 20-30 horses and are still in good shape.
  16. Kendra

    Info on Reverse Dappling on The Equine Tapestry Blog

    Interesting, thanks for posting!
  17. Kendra

    Driving with sheets on . . . Pics???

    Here's a quarter sheet that Hawk won at a driving trial - it's quilted, maybe "quarter winter blanket?" I've used it a couple times, but not very often. I also have a driving cooler, but not sure I've ever used it.
  18. Kendra

    Our newest addition - Manny :)

    My friend has gold and silver laced wyandottes, and they're sure not crazy - also silver penciled, so beautiful! If I had room for another breed .... ;-) Manny is very handsome! I love my Partridge Chantecler rooster, he's so gorgeous, and so interactive. Rupert talks to me whenever I'm out...
  19. Kendra

    Show me your buckskins with white markings!

    Our yearling filly, Dazzle, is buckskin with two hind socks, a tiny white patch on her withers, and an adorable off-center star. She's our first ever buckskin.
  20. Kendra

    So much fun driving my old horse!

    NFC Illusions Image is my heart horse. 6 years ago I retired him from the show ring when we could no longer haul him to a show without him coming up lame. It had been a couple years since he was sound enough to drive at home. Last fall, when Grandad was turning out the geldings on grass every...