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  1. Kendra

    This is a Welcome Change!?

    Our 2011 foals are shedding more than anyone else at the moment - I think because they're in the most sheltered spot. Course, they also have the most hair, maybe they figure they need a head start! ;-) Do you mean your weanlings don't usually shed at all? We never clip our babies - or any...
  2. Kendra

    Spring is on the way!

    While spring hasn't technically arrived in my corner of the Great White North, I sure enjoyed reading about your adventures in training, Leia! My driving plans for this year are a little up in the air - I'm hoping to drive Image, my old horse, but that depends on how long his miraculous return...
  3. Kendra

    What do you do with your aged stallions and mares.

    We've had a lot more old geldings over the years (simply because we've owned more geldings) and sometimes we find them a great retirement home, one with kids to pet them and groom them and feed them cookies, always with the understanding that if they ever no longer want them, then they come home...
  4. Kendra

    Trimming your own horses' feet

    I took a farrier class as part of my Equine Science diploma - we learned a bunch of theory and practiced (and were graded!) on cadaver feet. I've watched our excellent farrier trim for many, many years. I can see the angles, and I know what the foot should look like. Theoretically, I know what...
  5. Kendra

    Facebook Pages

    Here's mine, even though I know you already have it Nicki! ;-) I only need 10 more likes to reach 300! Off to like everyone elses!
  6. Kendra

    Do you show your miniatures?

    Yes. 31
  7. Kendra

    Ages (old?) of driving ponies

    Valdez made a brief (and successful!) reappearance in the show ring at 21. I'm hoping (fingers crossed!) to have Image driving back in the ring this summer at 22 since he's miraculously sound again. But that's nothing compared to Kim Locke's horses ... Her Circle J Champs Lil Chief was the 2011...
  8. Kendra

    Carriage driving promo - featuring both big & little drivers!

    Wow!! That's was AWESOME! Lots of familiar faces there ... seeing everyone having so much fun at Beaumont makes me sorry I missed it all over again! Great job Tamara!
  9. Kendra

    Your First Miniature.....

    In November 1981, my grandparents drove through the eastern US for their 25th wedding anniversary and came home with three Miniature Horses. Here's me and my Grandad, almost exactly 30 years ago! The light coloured colt is Sooner States Lil Champ, the bald faced filly is Sooner States...
  10. Kendra

    Looking ahead to 2012...shows!

    This thread really gets me thinking about next summer! I think our show string will be fairly similar to last year. My mom`s show horses, Circle J Dezigner Genes (Duke) who shows halter and country pleasure, and his partner Circle J Zachary. Circle J Just A Memory - looks like Jamie will...
  11. Kendra

    Your favorite color, among your minis

    I'm not good at favorites, but I'm always drawn to grey horses, of all shades/genetics. Hawk's super dark silver dapple: Image's super light silver dapple: Pippa, silver pinto: Jamie, blue roan: But I like other colours too: Valdez, bay pinto: Miikka, such a deep, rich red...
  12. Kendra

    Use of Small Mesh Hay Nets?

    We've started using EcoNets hay nets for big round bales, and we've really been impressed with them! With the EcoNets, they eat ALL of the bale, they can't stick their heads in to get poked in the eye or breath in dust. It really is amazing - in the mare pasture we still have an old round bale...
  13. Kendra

    What a sad, sad day

    The screen at the International Ring at Spruce Meadows. Such a loss, Hickstead was truly exceptional. My heart goes out to all those who loved him.
  14. Kendra

    You Know You're A Horse Person When...

    One day, after spending the morning vaccinating horses, I dashed into town to run a few errands, including depositing a cheque in the bank. I reached into my pocket to pull out the cheque and also got a handful of needles and syringes, which I then tried to stuff back in before anyone noticed...
  15. Kendra

    Skijoring with Minis

    My brother's friend, who showed with us for years, was a ski-racer and wanted to try skijoring. I don't usually work my horses in the winter, because I'm super paranoid about them slipping and getting hurt and it all being MY FAULT ;-), but we finally had the perfect day, the snow came down fast...
  16. Kendra

    Buck is BACK

    I'm SO glad to hear Buck is driving again!! So exciting! Hawk is still out - he's quite lame actually, and no one knows what to do for him. However, my old horse who I retired from showing 6 years ago and from driving at all at least 2 years ago is suddenly and inexplicably sound at 21 years...
  17. Kendra

    Pictures :)

    Hehe - I love the name Thunderpants!
  18. Kendra

    YOUR favorite picture

    My favorite right now, taken yesterday: This is my 21 year old gelding, NFC Illusions Image. I don't know why he's suddenly sound after six years and I don't know how long it will last, but being able to drive him again is such a gift. <3
  19. Kendra

    Did I really see this on AMHA website???

    Trainer 'not leading his horse'??? This was a lady trainer. I'm not sure who she was, though I have my suspicions. Glad to see there IS a rule in place against this! Maybe it was dealt with at the show, as I only saw the incident on the webcam. I hope someone raised the concern with show...
  20. Kendra

    Trailer load of fun!!!

    Congratulations Nicki!! Wish you were a little closer so I could come for a visit and see them all in real life!