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  1. AbbySmith

    Farm? Acreage? Town House?

    @Marsha Cassada, that sounds lovely! Mountains are the best! Dad always says that our house should have been in the top field cause we would have then been able to see all the mountains around as lol! I could also look at donkeys all day long! I take waaaay too many pictures of them! 😂 😂...
  2. AbbySmith

    Movin' Violation and me

    Hi! Welcome to the forum! Mo is so cute!! 😍 😍 He is one good looking boy! Your rescue sounds amazing! I volunteer at an animal rescue, and I love it so much! It's so nice to be able to do something that really helps animals, isn't it! I hope to one day have my own horse rescue! Sounds like you...
  3. AbbySmith

    Farm? Acreage? Town House?

    Ugh, I could only upload 10 pics, here are more...
  4. AbbySmith

    Farm? Acreage? Town House?

    I got a little curious to see who has what! Do you have a couple acres out on property? A farm? A ranch? An apartment? What do you got? What kind of property/outbuildings/crops? What animals? We have 350 acres about a 1/2 hour out of town. About 150 acres of it is cleared, and we grow our own...
  5. AbbySmith

    I hope they’re just playing...

    I agree with @JFNM miniatures, it looks like just play. Only thing I would worry about is them hurting someone/thing else. Like, if they were to get a little too carried away, and begin to chase a goat or something, and nip at it, goats don't have as tough skin, but I agree, from the pics...
  6. AbbySmith

    Our mini was attacked

    Yay! Hopefully it'll help! Looking forward to hear how it goes!
  7. AbbySmith

    Our mini was attacked

    Okay, this is gonna sound really strange, and I've never tried it with a donkey, but it's the same thing. We were having huge problems with predation a couple years ago, and we had at least one sheep die every night, sometimes more. This went on for a couple weeks. They were in 5 foot page wire...
  8. AbbySmith

    Newbie Questions

    Just gonna butt in here again, and say that I agree that no grass would be best. And there is a big difference between crappy, and low quality hay. Crappy hay, might be moist, or mouldy or have thorns in it, and is advertised for sale cause some people use it for things like pig bedding. Do not...
  9. AbbySmith

    Newbie Questions

    That's so exciting!! When you're get them you need to post pics! Okay, some answers to your questions. Water. Low quality hay (low in protein). Shelter. Farrier. It depends on if you are going to feed hay year round, or let them out on pasture. If you are going to let them on pasture, it...
  10. AbbySmith

    Can You Spot The Animal??

    I took this pic the other day, and sent it to a couple of my friends, and they couldn't figure out what animal it was! Can you see it??? Respond with one guess, and I'll let y'all know what it is on Monday!
  11. AbbySmith

    I'm New Here!

    So I just went out with the girls again, and I put the MTG on Lilly, and I know, it's been one day, there's no way i can see results by now. But I did notice that the skin seemed a lot more moist(?) I don't know how to describe it. It wasn't as dry as it has been, and it just looked better. And...
  12. AbbySmith

    Are Donkeys Allergic to Clover?

    That definitely helps! Thank you!! I'll definitely continue to do my own research, I was also curious to see if anyone had experience with their minis being poisoned by it. Thank you for your help!!
  13. AbbySmith

    Are Donkeys Allergic to Clover?

    So, the other day I overheard someone saying that they only ever put their mini donkeys out on the dry pasture, cause there wasn't much grass, and it didn't grow any clover, so the donkeys wouldn't get clover poisoning. And that got me to thinking, are they actually allergic to clover? I didn't...
  14. AbbySmith

    I'm new here XD

    Hi! Welcome to the forum! Do you have any minis yet? Or are you just looking around?
  15. AbbySmith

    I did it again!

    Aww! He's so cute!! 😍😍
  16. AbbySmith

    I'm New Here!

    Thank you!! That means so much to me!
  17. AbbySmith

    I'm New Here!

    Will do! Thank you for the help!!
  18. AbbySmith

    Are My Mini Donkeys Bred?

    Thank you for your help guys!! I am definitely going to look into doing a blood test for them! Hopefully that'll be cheaper lol! I tried feeling for movement of the foal the other day, and I just held my hand under Lilly's belly (like inbetween her legs, right in front of her bag), and just held...
  19. AbbySmith

    I'm New Here!

    Yeah, I'm not sure what Lilly's thing is. It's just two bald lines at the base of her neck, so she isn't like biting herself and pulling the hair out, she could be rubbing it on something, but the skin isn't red, or scabby, or hot, or bloody, or anything like that. I thought maybe it was rain...
  20. AbbySmith

    I'm New Here!

    Hi! Thank you so much!! The donks have definitely been a learning experience for me, but they have taught me so much! And I love them!! Thank you! Quick update for ya guys. I had the farrier out a couple weeks ago. (i know, sorry ive been kinda inactive on here, but i will be much more active...