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Miniature Horse Talk Forums

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  1. J

    Pictures of over here in NZ

    BEAUTIFUL! :new_shocked:
  2. J

    Pictures -pony playdate!

    Congrads on your new boy love coco. & I must say lexus is a real cutie!
  3. J

    It past time for horse slaughter to end

    Tee Hee that would never happen. People can gripe and make some one else pay to clean up messes but can not do much them selves. I do not like horse slaughter. But some things are nessacery! There is not much I can do about it. Sure I can gripe, bitch and complain with the best of yous but what...
  4. J

    Omolene or Purina Equine?

    Which do you use-prefer?
  5. J

    Introduction and a question or two

    HI everyone. I happened across this site a while back and got myself an account here because the forum looked like to much fun and I have a few questions about long ears! First about myself, Im 19 and own 10 horses at this time. (2 ridding horses whom I give lessons on, 1 icelandic stallion...