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  1. Molly's Run Minis

    The most important thing you learnt when you started out?

    i learned how important it is to CORRECTLY measure your horse for a harness. cant tell you how many harnesses and money i went through to finally get this one right
  2. Molly's Run Minis

    Desensitizing to sounds

    if she's scared of the noise in blinders, then you have 2 choices here, either take the blinders off permanently or work with her on the noises with them on. it wont help getting her used to noises with blinders off because she can see whats making the noise. with blinders on, the big thing for...
  3. Molly's Run Minis

    Ages (old?) of driving ponies

    definetly! i have a filly thats coming on 3 this year that still does baby clacking when she meets a new horse! i dont feel a horse is mentally mature until 5yrs, sometimes longer depending on the horse.
  4. Molly's Run Minis

    Ages (old?) of driving ponies

    a friend of mine has a 40yr old pony gelding that LOVES driving. he's still healthy and going very strong! it also depends on the horse. whether or not they still have good legs, feet and energy to handle driving. just listen to your horse and he/she will let you know when/if its time to stop.
  5. Molly's Run Minis

    is she a dwarf?

    she's adorable! honestly, theres wayyyy to much hair to tell if she's dwarf or not. she looks like a mini wooly mammoth! i'd wait to judge if she's dwarf or not until she's clipped.
  6. Molly's Run Minis

    Advice on how to handle a situation

    i totally admire you for that! i'm like that as well. animals cant speak for themselves, so we must speak for them. IMO, if someones delicate feelings get hurt oh well! if the life or welfare of an animal is at stake i couldnt really care less how the offender feels.
  7. Molly's Run Minis

    my stallion

    flapping your hands around has a meaning to a horse. to them, if its done correctly, it resembles another horse tossing its head, thretning to bite them. it means more to them than it does to us. and yeah, i like to learn about new ideas for training, but not when it costs $600! thats...
  8. Molly's Run Minis

    my stallion

    honestly, this isnt a hard problem to fix. the big reason he wont stand for you is because he's a young stud colt thats feeling his oats and is testing you. he's trying to move up in the pecking order by not listening to you. you can easily fix this without an expensive trainer and without...
  9. Molly's Run Minis

    Deafness in a Driving Prospect

    you could try training her useing hand signals. just a thought i had
  10. Molly's Run Minis

    Need some insight from people in the new england area...

    i dont really know where this would go so i figured i'd just put it here. Who in the new england area would be interested in racing their minis and/or shetlands under cart? i'm talking trotting or pacing races for young and old, stallion, gelding or mare. heres a couple videos of mini/shetland...
  11. Molly's Run Minis


    wow, what a gorgeous filly!!! i love her face markings!! does she have blue eyes?
  12. Molly's Run Minis

    Have any of you ever bought young minis that were not "tame" or worked with yet?

    oh now 3yr old gelding. i got him last year. he was halter broke and then pretty much left in a feild with a bunch of other foals his age at the breeders until i bought him i dont understand why people breed if they arent willing to socialize the foal. took me a good 4 or 5...
  13. Molly's Run Minis

    Sunnybrook's 2011 foaling season

    omg they are gorgeous!! is the black one the colt? whos his sire and dam?
  14. Molly's Run Minis

    How long should horses drive as singles before becomiing a pair?

    i have two right now that are being ground driven to go as a team next year. the gelding has been driven once under cart and took to it like it was nothing, but he hated being alone. neither of them ground drive at all if they are alone, but if they are in a team they act like angels. not all...
  15. Molly's Run Minis

    We have found a horse...

    did you ever find the owners?
  16. Molly's Run Minis

    need help....

    the hardest part of our trail drive is when she has to go up a slightly bumpy grass hill. thats the only hard part. the rest of the trail is a dirt road.
  17. Molly's Run Minis

    need help....

    can someone please tell me what the difference is between the Bellcrown Areocrown and the Bellcrown Minicrown?
  18. Molly's Run Minis

    need help....

    i am so po'ed right now. i took misty for a trail drive and needless to say, by the time the trail drive was done, the cart seat was broken and the harness nearly fell off the shafts of the cart. i am so irritated i dont know what to do.. i am just happy that misty and i made it back without...
  19. Molly's Run Minis

    4th Annual Ribbons for Linda Benefit Horse Show

    i'm going and bringing all three of my minis!
  20. Molly's Run Minis

    team cart

    thank you for this info! i had no idea it was so dangerous to put a team to a cart, i just figured that since team poles are sold with them that it was ok. i guess i was wrong! i have never driven a pair of minis, only drafts and that was on an excercise sled. thank you for educating me! i...