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  1. W

    Someone tried to steal gas from our gas tank

    We did get a cap for the tank that locks. We got that immediately and now that the cameras are out there I think we're good. Some people are telling me that they might put a hole directly into the gas tank but if they try at least we'll catch them on camera doing it. I really don't think this...
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    Job application

    I looked into it and according to the ADA it is not legal. They cannot ask anything like what they asked on the application. The only thing they are allowed to ask is if I can perform the job I am applying for. The only time they can ask about illnesses, injuries, etc is after a job has been...
  3. W

    Job application

    The school is not owned by the state. It did specifically ask if I had any injury or major illness in years past and if so what were they. With all other schools I have ever been to (all privately owned)that has never been a question that has been asked. One school did ask why I didn't work for...
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    Job application

    I went to fill out a job application at a preschool and it had a question on it that asked how my health was and if I had any major illnesses or injuries in years past. Is this legal? I am an honest person so I wrote on it about my dual transplant that I've had but it doesn't effect my work and...
  5. W

    Someone tried to steal gas from our gas tank

    I understand what you mean by the neighbor thing. When we move to Lakeland I am hoping we have a house with some distance between us and the neighbors. Right now we have a couple in a townhouse that is about 3 away from ours that fight every night on their back porch. Everyone can hear them with...
  6. W

    Someone tried to steal gas from our gas tank

    No, they didn't dust for prints. I don't know if it's because the person who did it didn't really get anything or the police just don't care. I know that less populated areas still have crime but I just don't like the city. I just want to be in a more quiet area as I have always lived in small...
  7. W

    Someone tried to steal gas from our gas tank

    Now that we have the cameras out there I want to put a sticker on the door to my gas tank that says "Say Cheese." We've now heard that two other people have seen someone around the cars very late at night/early morning. It should stop now.
  8. W

    Someone tried to steal gas from our gas tank

    So, we have moved so our children will be in safer schools. We collected 3 police case numbers with the trouble with the boys that have gone after our daughter multiple times. Now, over this past weekend, someone tried stealing gas out of our gas tank of our car. It happened sometime Friday...
  9. W

    Exercise Equipment -- What Do You Have

    I use a Wii video game with Wii Fit and Wii Sports. I also have a DVD with Jillian Michaels from the Biggest Loser. She's tough. The only other thing I have is 4lb. weights.
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    May 21st 2011

    My husband tries to say he really doesn't believe in this stuff but is interested in what people think. Well, I could.t have laughed any harder when he went running to the kids' rooms yesterday at the appointed time to make sure they were still here. He was making fun of his best friend for...
  11. W

    Bully is back in school

    The bully is now back in 5th grade. By the time we got someone on the phone he had been moved back so our emails must have done the trick this time. The assistant principal wanted to know where we were getting our information from like we would be dumb enough to tell her. She tried saying that...
  12. W

    Bully is back in school

    We found out yesterday that the boy who threatened my daughter was back in school this past apparently the max punishment is 5 days suspension no matter how many times you get in trouble. Not only is he back, but they put this 5th grade bully in the 3rd grade for the rest of the year...
  13. W

    Bully problem resolved

    We are working with someone from the school board to help them be able to help schools, teachers, administrative staff, etc. deal with this better than they did. Becca has written in her own words what happened and how she felt when it was all happening and they want that and they want the names...
  14. W

    Bully problem resolved

    Becca had her first day at her new school today and she hasn't stopped talking about it yet. She is soooo happpy and excited and I haven't seen her that way in awhile. She was excited this morning, then when we got there quite nervous of course. We are pretty sure that they were "warned" about...
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    Bully problem resolved

    Yesterday my husband was contacted by many officials in the school system about what happened with our daughter. Tomorrow she will be starting at her new school. The principal of the previous school seems to be in some trouble for her lack of action and the boy, we are told, got the maximum...
  16. W

    Bully problem continues

    Between last night and this evening we have got some people paying attention now. A representative from the school board has contacted my husband, the area superintendent's office has contacted us, Channel 5 news has contacted us and is interested in the story, and the principal of the school...
  17. W

    Bully problem continues

    All school board members have been emailed and notified of what is going on and letters are following through the mail. We have contacted a lawyer and she said if necessary we could go for civil action but to continue to press the police into filing charges. She tells us that if one police...
  18. W

    Bully problem continues

    Thank you for the ideas. I will be contacting the school board members and we have already contacted a news station. I am also calling all parents that I know and having them call. The assistant area superintendant called my husband and basically said the same thing the principal did and also...
  19. W

    Bully problem continues

    We went to the school this morning and found out that the school police had never been called on Thursday so we talked to the principal and told her that we wanted to be notified when the police arrived. The principal tried brushing it under the rug trying to make it out like it was no big deal...
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    Bully problem continues

    Well, we will be taking this public if the outcome is not in the best interest of our duaghter tomorrow. She will no longer be at that school as of tomorrow no matter what they will (or most likely won't do to this kid). I talked with a middle school counselor at an Easter egg hunt yesterday and...