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  1. W

    Bullying problem

    Police were called and came over today. The boys were out last night and we ended up with dog feces on our door last night. They also skipped school today as they were "sick" (one's dad called in for him), and now a package that the stupid maiman left at our door has been stolen. We have also...
  2. W

    Bullying problem-long need advice

    We are going to put her and her brother in a karate class. We were doing that before, not for the self defense, even though that helps, but for the confidence building and foccusing. Becca doesn't have a focus problem but our son does and it affects his school work. She is in a drama club at...
  3. W

    Bullying problem-long need advice

    OK Ashley, that was uncalled for. Her father does care but this is not an easy situation. What if the cops come talk to him and he gets even angrier? How would you explain to my husband why our daughter was stabbed, beaten whatever and the boy said he did it because we called the cops? This is a...
  4. W

    Bullying problem-long need advice

    Ok, here is what is going on. Nothing else has happened between them since I posted this. My husband is not ready to go to the police. Since his mother talked to the boys he wants to wait and see if it stops. I don't agree but I am step mom so I must wait and keep the documentation handy. If she...
  5. W

    Bullying problem-long need advice

    I have considered that as well but wasn't sure what they'd do about ten year olds. I'm thinking they'll go to the parents who don't care and it will continue. I am logging everything though and with the first incident two crossing guards were involved as a truck pulled over to tell them what was...
  6. W

    Bullying problem-long need advice

    OK, this all started last week as they walked home from school. A boy who my 10 year old daughter knows and lives in our apartment complex spit on her multiple times on the way home from school. I got a call from her on her cell with her telling me that a boy was bothering her to please come get...
  7. W

    First photo I have chosen to draw

    Here you go Normajeanbaker. Your drawing has begun. I have saved many more photos so the rest of you don't be discouraged. Here is the start and I am working on it more tonight
  8. W

    Looking for photos to draw from

    They don't have to be halter free. I just don't want them in the halter stance if it's full body. There are lots of good pictures. I'm getting started this evening. It's been awhile since I've drawn anything and I've missed it. I am also getting back into painting but I've never done a horse in...
  9. W

    Looking for photos to draw from

    Thanks Eagles Ring. I fixed it.
  10. W

    Looking for photos to draw from

    Here's one of the last ones I have done: Here is Matt's from this forum: Any that I draw will be surprises to the owners and I will start posting works in progress. OK, it's been awhile since I posted photos. Don't know what's wrong.
  11. W

    Looking for photos to draw from

    Hi, Some of you on here know that I draw horses and I am looking for photos to draw. My computer has all my photos and it is broken at the moment so instead of just picking some random horse to draw I figured I would draw horses for people. If you want to you can ad a photo here and I just...
  12. W

    New Mom for 8 and 10 year old

    It is not like I am the wicked stepmother here. We are all building a family relationship. We have movie nights, game nights, nights where they cook dinner, ride bikes together, play in the pool, etc. We talk after school and during dinner and she comes to me with problems as she doesn't like...
  13. W

    New Mom for 8 and 10 year old

    We are consistent. They are grounded today for their rooms not being clean. We went over their chores in the beginning when they moved here and the consequences of what would happen if they didn't do it, which is they are not allowed out and they have to clean their rooms. I will work with Becca...
  14. W

    New Mom for 8 and 10 year old

    The children have had counseling for the loss of their mother. We also go to the cememtary to see her when they want to. I am pretty much the one who handles the discipline right now as their father is too overbearing when it comes to disciplining (I have told him he sounds like a drill sergeant...
  15. W

    New Mom for 8 and 10 year old

    They are children from my husband's previous marriage. Their mother passed away so I am the stepmother. My husband just told me that some of the stuff are things that her mother gave to her before she passed away so those items I will not throw out. The other things I am still not sure what to do.
  16. W

    New Mom for 8 and 10 year old

    She's always been this way. I am just trying to break the habit now. Right now she is mouthy and back talks as well but I do understand with that that she is testing me and seeing what buttons she can push. She does the same with her father and actually listens to me better. She had lived with...
  17. W

    New Mom for 8 and 10 year old

    I have been with my new family for a couple of months now. Even before we were together my new daughter does not want to bother keeping anything clean. We told both children that if their rooms weren't clean we would take the stuff that wasn't where it belonged for a period of time as punishment...
  18. W

    Horse Quote and help picking which one needed!

    Here are two quotes I like: Horse....If God made anything more beautiful, He kept it for Himself. Bread may feed my body but a horse feeds my soul. I don't know who said either of them. I definitely like the black version better, much more eye catching, draws me in. I can look away from the...
  19. W

    Debate with husband

    Babysitters around here work closer to between 8 and 10 an hour. I considered a teenager but the teens get our an hour later than our kids do. We'll see what happens. We have a sitter for Thurs and Friday and then if my job continues to be as bad as it is I won't mind getting fewer hours.
  20. W

    Debate with husband

    The ten year old has not been listening well lately and proved it again tonight at dinner. I proceeded to tell my husband that her not listening was only one of the reasons why I didn't want them staying home alone. We know the neighbors across the parking lot from us and that is it. We know...