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  1. Cathy_H

    Gas Prices....

    $1.98 somewhere here in Louisville............ Reminds me of the sugar shortage. You could get sugar for around 69 cents but then during the sugar shortage we were paying over $3 a bag. Now I think the average is a bit over $2 and we are grateful to pay the lower price.
  2. Cathy_H

    The Obama special last night

    I disagree - read this again. "Say what you will" Did we not read "say what you will" in her heading or not? I translate that as an invitation to say what we wish even if we don't agree with her. Read the below statement again please - WHERE did she ask for statements NOT to be posted...
  3. Cathy_H

    The Obama special last night

    Freedom of speech being taken away right here on the forum! - Some of us don't call it that. I call it a self serving commercial. I guess that those of us that don't agree with Obama need to start our own thread!
  4. Cathy_H

    The Obama special last night

    Calculated polictical psychological hype presented Hollywood style to keep Obamanites in their slumberous spell. What a rude awakening for some when they come out of their stance. Beautifully done fanmercial will be the envy of Hollywood. ... So WHY are the numbers jumping around? .... ...
  5. Cathy_H

    TV Tonight -- Pushing Daisies, a great alternative

    Exactly - I'm thinking after the election a whole lotta stuff might come out of the closet! I just don't understand why so many people are covering for Obama.
  6. Cathy_H

    obama quote

    Jimmy Carter 1979 Have you seen the picture of Obama's mansion? How much energy does that thing use? I bet he doesn't even know what his heating & cooling bill is.
  7. Cathy_H

    Horse Funny For The Day

    Funny - and it has been true at times.......................... Someone just tried to give us some horses. After a bit he told Lee "but they're FREE"! Lee then told him "only until I have to start feeding them tonight"!
  8. Cathy_H

    Cold weather and Hydration

    Interesting - could try it to see if it works..... If our horses drink with hay in their mouth which results in getting some hay in the water they don't bother getting it out. I always have to scoop it out.............................. I got tired of changing the water buckets several times a...
  9. Cathy_H


    Oh Bonnie - So, so, so sad to hear this! God be with you & his loved ones during your grieving. So hard to lose a loved one! May he now rest in peace!
  10. Cathy_H

    Horse that tosses grain out of their feeder?

    A mat underneath the feeder? The feeder will have to be fixed so that it could not move around................ For my messy eaters I sweep the area several times a week. This area is underneath a run in and the ground is hard in that area so is easily done.
  11. Cathy_H

    Interesting comments by David Letterman

    Below is what says about it - but irregardless IT is something to think about. Thanks for posting it. I am afraid that we could very well be living in the "good ole days" though.
  12. Cathy_H

    TV Tonight -- Pushing Daisies, a great alternative

    I don't watch infomercials as I've found the end product is NO where near what you were convinced it was! If Obama has not said it by now "what else is left for him to say"? Perhaps he will answer all of those questions some of us still have in our minds..... I doubt it but I'm sure we will...
  13. Cathy_H

    Do you have a 401 K

    I think the below is fear mongering - Isn't this the worse of the doom & gloom ? I won't post it all here least I get scolded for repeating something or changing the subject. (Threads can be found posted on 22 October started by me for those that want to read that disussion. "Biden...
  14. Cathy_H

    Obama wants you to take election day off

    Obama isn't asking people to take the day off JUST to vote - he is asking for volunteers to push him over the finish line! Who is Obama talking to when they show the picture of the arrow pointing to the couch and the words "you can't make history from here"! How many of you do your work from...
  15. Cathy_H

    Obama wants you to take election day off

    In our state voters get 4 hours to vote. How much more time do you need?
  16. Cathy_H

    Obama wants you to take election day off

    Take election day off -Make history on election day BUT hasn't the media already told us that Obama HAS already won! " Guess Obama has never held a 8 - 5 job! This is a perfect example of how Obama thinks about businesses. He's never had a real job and doesn't have a clue about how the...
  17. Cathy_H

    America's 'Socialist' State

    I wasn't discussing McCain but since you brought it up I do remember McCain asking Obama during one of the debates - "WHY DO we have to raise anyones taxes right now"?
  18. Cathy_H

    America's 'Socialist' State

    double post
  19. Cathy_H

    America's 'Socialist' State

    . I won't disagree there, but in Alaska we're talking about resources on public land benefitting the people that are residents on that land............. She is not spreading the wealth of those residents via forced redistribution of their hard earned income like Obama wants to do.
  20. Cathy_H

    America's 'Socialist' State

    If funds have been distributed since 1982 where was and what did Governor Palin have to do with its creation? If the Alaskans don't like this set up and don't want to get this money back each year wouldn't they collectively boot her out of office?