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  1. Cathy_H

    Prayers Needed for Us Sold all my sweet minis

    Best of luck to you. I hope that the sacrifice that you made by giving up your horses will be worth it in the long run.
  2. Cathy_H

    Please pray for my 2008 filly not doing so good

    Sending best wishes that she is back to normal soon. Nice of Getitia to share that info. Best of luck for full recovery & soon!
  3. Cathy_H

    Joint Supplements

    We tried about 6 different joint supplements - some very expensive also. Was not pleased with any of them. I received some info from Platinum that sounds impressive but so did the rest. Our horse would not eat anything that tasted the least bit bad. Unfortunately it is trial & error for each...
  4. Cathy_H

    Gun Control

    I agree there are priorities ahead of gun control......... While concentrating on the major issues some of us just don't want to wake up one day to see that we've lost our rights on the lesser issues! The drip drip accumulations of single freedoms being TAKEN away from us could very well...
  5. Cathy_H


    I referenced Dave Ramsey awhile back on here. I'm certain that if he were heading our nations financial problems that he could get us back in the right direction.......... Ramsey firmly believes in personal responsibility. Lack of that is one reason this country has deteriated so much and the...
  6. Cathy_H

    Enough is enough

    And I pray we never lose the freedom to speak how we feel (hopefully without bashing others) - republicans & democrats and as myself an independent. It is that right that some of us fear we may lose if goverened by the wrong people! I have had to hold my fingers back several times, especially...
  7. Cathy_H

    Dear Mr. Obama

    I'm glad to see all of that in one place. Saves a lot of net searching.
  8. Cathy_H

    Obamas Grandmother.

    If grandmother is ill - I wish her well............. Why did Michelle not go with her husband? Could be that Obama went to fetch his real birth certificate? Could be because of the lawsuit that Pa democrat Philip Berg filed to require Obama to provide proof of his birth certificate to prove...
  9. Cathy_H

    I couldnt resist POLITCAL funny

    deleted until I do further research.
  10. Cathy_H

    I couldnt resist POLITCAL funny

    Hilliary Clintons custom made pant suits cost $6,350 each.... If she changed 3 times a day during her campaigning how much would that be? In 2006 - Clinton paid $3,000 for two hair styling sessions. Obama's suits - $1600 each 2007 - John Edwards $400 hair cuts Palin spent $150,000 for a...
  11. Cathy_H

    Why not realease his mediocal records?

    Ok I stand corrected - thank you..... ... I saw on the news the 3 people scanning McCains records so I assumed they were doctors AS doctors would know what to zoom in on with only 3 hours to look at his records.. So let 3 unbiased media people look at Obamas. Video of Obama's temper tantrum...
  12. Cathy_H

    Why not realease his mediocal records?

    Just add this to the long list of other things that Obama refuses to release. A one page summary for 21 years strangely resembles his scant resume! If Obama is in excellent health then what is the problem with having a team of doctors scan his records like they did McCains? Would they perhaps...
  13. Cathy_H

    Tax increase??????

    You're welcome. I had used that on another thread last night. One important thing people aren't paying much attention to is that there are some Supreme Court Justices been holding on until a democrat got into office - some older conservatives also that will not be able to hold on until another...
  14. Cathy_H

    Tax increase?????? Massachusetts Democratic US House of Representatives member, Barney Frank, said it's time for an immediate increase in spending and I think this is a time when deficit fears need to take a second seat. He added, later on, I think...
  15. Cathy_H

    What do you do about political people/papers on your doorstep?

    Put a "no solicitators" sign near the front door - otherwise throw them in the trash.
  16. Cathy_H

    Heya MaryLou..

    Bidens forehead is full of botox. Thank you for posting that. I was getting eady to look it up. Isn't it great that looks don't qualify you for president? Powell says Obama can run this country on his personality!!! :Cold-Scared
  17. Cathy_H

    Palin is taking charge of the Senate

    I didn't say the definition was limited to one's charm.... Powell made the statement, "and so I think the president has to start using the power of the oval office and the power of his personality..............." Is THAT the only qualifier that Powell feels Obama has to make him president? If...
  18. Cathy_H

    Nancy Pelosi

    Barney Frank Massachusetts Democratic US House of Representatives member, Barney Frank, said it's time for an immediate increase in spending and I think this is a time when deficit fears need to take a second seat. He added, later on, I think there should be tax increases. Turning a blind eye...
  19. Cathy_H

    Al Quaeda chatter or someone trying to represent them...

    That link didn't work for me but I found it elsewhere. The message is credited to a frequent and apparently respected contributor named Muhammad Haafid "If Al-Qaeda carries out a big operation against American interests," the message...