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  1. Mark & Sharon Bullington

    NWMHC clinic/show with Portia Kalinka

    The clinic did turn out very well, in spite of the weather on Friday. We had great attendance and Portia presented a wonderful opportunity for everyone to receive critique from a World respected judge, trainer, and clinician. I would again like to echo everyone's thanks to Cherie and Darrell...
  2. Mark & Sharon Bullington

    Spring Fling (formerly Oregon Gold) Premiums Available

    I am happy to report the premiums for the Oregon Horse Center Spring Sling ASPC/AMHR/ASPR Show is now available on line through the Oregon Horse Center web site, Once again - we have great officials. Our judges are Jim Bruggink; 2010 Shetland Congress Judge, Kim Seipp...
  3. Mark & Sharon Bullington

    Spring Fling (formerly Oregon Gold) Premiums Available

    I am happy to report the premiums for the Oregon Horse Center Spring Sling ASPC/AMHR/ASPR Show is now available on line through the Oregon Horse Center web site, Once again - we have great officials. Our judges are Jim Bruggink; 2010 Shetland Congress Judge, Kim...
  4. Mark & Sharon Bullington

    Need your feedback - NEW AMHA Program

    I have been around miniatures now, both showing and announcing, for 20 years. We used to have classes called "Model Stock" and "Model Refined". I have long maintained there should be classes and a market for the stock type miniatures. I don't know about having two separate shows for the types...
  5. Mark & Sharon Bullington

    Videographer at AMHR Worlds 2009

    Your question states "AMHR World Show". If you mean the AMHA World Show, it is indeed Video Horse World. AMHR Nationals were videographed and broadcast by Flanders Video. Mark Bullington
  6. Mark & Sharon Bullington

    NW peeps......

    Sharon has been working on the class list and has it just about done. More than likely tonight or sometime tomorrow. She will then send it to Heather at the Oregon Horse Center who will put it on line. The show will be called Spring Fling. Judges are Jim Bruggink (2010 Shetland Congress...
  7. Mark & Sharon Bullington

    Fab Four At Area VI National Show

    LaVern - The answer is yes. Where I go, my music goes. And I have been known to take requests. Sharon and I are really looking forward to this show and would like to thank those responsible for getting us there. Hope to see many of you folks there. Mark
  8. Mark & Sharon Bullington

    I'm so proud & excited

    Stacy - Great Note - but just one correction. The Clinic with Portia Sue Kalinka will be held at Casino Gold Ranch. It is located in Dallas, Oregon. Those interested in attending please RSVP to my wife Sharon Bullington at [email protected] or call her at 503-580-9450. You must be a...
  9. Mark & Sharon Bullington

    A Decision I am thinking on...........

    Bout darn time!! Mark & Sharon
  10. Mark & Sharon Bullington

    AMHA World Show Announcer

    I am honored to "announce" that it is true - I am very pleased to be able to come back to the World show, and look forward to being in Ft. Worth this year. Mark Bullington
  11. Mark & Sharon Bullington

    NW people, NWMHC members...

    The Schooling Show was cut this year ONLY because their was a scheduling conflict with the arena. They gave away the date we had slated for the show and other available weekends did not work out. This show WILL be back on the schedule for 2011. In other news, the clinic with Portia Kalinka...
  12. Mark & Sharon Bullington

    Area VI National Show

    Jason - Just remember who has control over the microphone.....I am SURE I can think of something "inventive" to do with your name, your pony's name.....etc..... Mark
  13. Mark & Sharon Bullington

    Area VI National Show

    Hey Bob - Do they need an announcer? I have that weekend open.... Mark Bullington
  14. Mark & Sharon Bullington

    We at The Crabby Chicken Ranch would like to thank...

    OUTSTANDING!!!!!! Congratulations Matthew!! Mark & Sharon Bullington
  15. Mark & Sharon Bullington

    2010 National show judges

    Jon Wolf is the other Youth/Amateur judge. And the one Open Performance judge is Austin Van Wyck. Mark
  16. Mark & Sharon Bullington

    Jim Curry

    Jim is truly one of the best. He is a classy judge, exhibitor, and most importantly - a great friend. Sharon and I will be keeping him in our prayers as well. Thanks Jen for keeping us up to date on what is going on. Mark & Sharon Bullington
  17. Mark & Sharon Bullington

    Gary's gone to Heaven

    Taylor Jo - We are deeply saddened at Gary's passing. You will hear this from many good people that love you, but if there is anything we can do for you, please just ask. Go with God, Gary. Nark & Sharon Bullington
  18. Mark & Sharon Bullington

    My Side of the

    John - Well said, darn well said! Mark & Sharon Bullington
  19. Mark & Sharon Bullington

    Congress - Financial Woes

    Belinda has a GREAT idea. Sponsorships are not that hard to sell in actuality. And I know they get announced . In fact I will state here and now that without owning ponies, but because I DO believe in the registry and want to help out, Sharon and I will sponsor two classes at this next years...