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  1. countrymini

    Ridges - ITS PINK!!!

    Finally some excitement here! After my last post Sweety started acting agitated. She was still eating, but would storm off flicking her tail all grumpy. This went on for about two hours then about 5.30 she started getting up and down. 5.33 she was pushing and i'm freaking out trying to work out...
  2. countrymini

    Ridges - ITS PINK!!!

    I really hope she has it this week. Give baby a few days to get used to life outside before we move HER! Can you tell I hope its a filly lol.
  3. countrymini

    Ridges - ITS PINK!!!

    345...... we wait....
  4. countrymini

    Ridges - ITS PINK!!!

    Still acting like she's got no intention of foaling. Talked to an old aquaintance yesterday and explained my predicament. He has foaled horses before and said she's probably waiting for the day you need to move then she'll have it. He musta had some meanies in his time lol
  5. countrymini

    Ridges - ITS PINK!!!

    Excuses excuses! Last night was better, hubby took turns, so not so tired today. I can see her nipples from the side now when she walks. They must be hanging lower. Her being Sweety, not my hubby
  6. countrymini

    My underweight minimare

    haha, my neighbours would be able to see me from their house. I do wonder what they think of me lol
  7. countrymini

    Ridges - ITS PINK!!!

    Cassie, you're in the same state, where is your offer? Its ok girls, we'll manage. I might become a menace to society and be locked away but they probably have the internet so I can still chat
  8. countrymini

    Penny's foaling thread.....SHE IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!

    Why the 5th Anna? I can't last another week!!! I'm guessing Sweety too, nothing against Penny, I'm just over it
  9. countrymini

    Anna's Girls - Updated news.

    I can't even remember what you wrote so I'm guessing Muffins Child, or should I say Muffin Top, is just a massive pudding, not pregnant and Chapella is preggas and due in 4 mths time.
  10. countrymini

    My underweight minimare

    Hello and welcome! A good place to be here, all the aunties are a great help and nobody will act like they are the only human alive capable of looking after a horse in this forum! Cant wait to see your new baby and hopefully she starts putting on weight for you again soon.
  11. countrymini

    Ridges - ITS PINK!!!

    Probably not a bad idea! Didn't take photos but udder is looking a little bigger again this morning. 343 days today
  12. countrymini

    Ridges - ITS PINK!!!

    Still no bub. Hubby and I are tired and stressed about getting sorted for moving so she'd better hurry up or we'll probably divorce over it!
  13. countrymini

    Ridges - ITS PINK!!!

    She came to me for her hay with her ears pinned back so hopefully that means she's not in the mood coz she's having little contractions and will have her baby not too late tonight or at first light in the morning. Yep, that probably exactly what it means
  14. countrymini

    Penny's foaling thread.....SHE IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!

    Poor girl Snowball must have an African goat somewhere in his family history lol
  15. countrymini

    Ridges - ITS PINK!!!

    Yes, they said I can visit her anytime, so that makes me feel better
  16. countrymini

    Ridges - ITS PINK!!!

    Sweety's udders are down from yesterday. Just a little bit.
  17. countrymini

    Ridges - ITS PINK!!!

    Thanks, they have just picked her up. I fed Sweety to distract her but the food has run out and she's calling out. I feel so bad. Hopefully she has this foal soon or I will have to loan another mini to keep her company. The ladies were really nice and its so good to know she's going to an...