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  1. littlesteppers

    A man that lived in my neighborhood

    Well ..we can hope..right..we will have blue monday in TN..everybody suppost to wear light blue to school/ We won against the colts One time by a fieldgoal..if I remember right.. GO TEAM GO! lol
  2. littlesteppers

    A man that lived in my neighborhood

    Well..These Tampa Bay boys kicked Boooty...and the Titans gonna loose on Monday night..
  3. littlesteppers

    Colin Powells' disturbing comments

    I think they would not say that with such conviction IF they didn't know something.. " There is going to be a crisis come along on the 21st, 22nd January that we don't even know about right now this One had me really scratching my head..We know something..we know the date..BUT we don't know...
  4. littlesteppers

    A man that lived in my neighborhood

    Awww Garyo..come on No fun...
  5. littlesteppers

    Biden predicts international crisis within first 6 months

    Cathy..what is going on..Powell said the same thing..even with a DATE..January 22nd or 23..are they blowing smoke or leaking something.. set the cursor to 2.40
  6. littlesteppers

    I am going to PUKE

    Billions of dollars going towards managment BONUSES..Excuse me..Driving a stock from 50 bux to 2 and getting a million dollar bonus from THE PEOPLE..guess big get-aways ain't enough..
  7. littlesteppers

    Heya MaryLou..

    Naaa..I wouldn't vote for a person like that...ewwww...if you look close at biden it looks like a doctor emptied his whole syringe of botox into his forehead
  8. littlesteppers

    A man that lived in my neighborhood

    I gave a crows foot about Ayers..his book with a front page him standing on the american flag...What I DO care about is a HONEST candidate..YOU tell me or show me ONE quote..where Obama says he endorsed a book for Ayers..he said it was a guy lived in his neighbor hood..and this is NOT the only...
  9. littlesteppers

    A man that lived in my neighborhood

    Well I agree..I do not consider it mudslinging..Just posted a ebook written by Ayer..endorsed By Obama and if you noted its endorsed by SENATOR Obama..meaning it was AFTER 2004! Oh well..
  10. littlesteppers

    A man that lived in my neighborhood

    ML..its YOUR forum..want me to stop posting let me know..
  11. littlesteppers

    Heya MaryLou..

    Need lipstick??
  12. littlesteppers

    Heya MaryLou..

    Love it?? or hate it?? Love it? ...
  13. littlesteppers

  14. littlesteppers

    Okay Obama pple

    Well there it proofs can not ask a question without beingattacked..quotes being quoted I never ever said.. and the whole thing is turned around..a few on here would be a asset to the Obama campaign!!
  15. littlesteppers

    Okay Obama pple

    Well I don't feel like I tried to change anybodies mind..I will not go into the voting booth with anybody ..and I don't have my 380 nothing to worry about..I do feel however that if you ask any question it should be answered to best of anybodies ability without attacks or reading into...
  16. littlesteppers

    Okay Obama pple

    Now I know how Joe the plumber feels..all I did is ask a question..what I get is attack..forget it..No reasoning here..
  17. littlesteppers

    Okay Obama pple

    ML I agree..if you want something..go for it..and you can get it..depending on how much you want it... Soo why does he say that the lower income class need help..from the top 5 percent of the country..(the rich) why would anybody want to break the ciycle and work to climb the...
  18. littlesteppers

    Okay Obama pple

    Well it really has not much to do with race and NO I am not baiting or stiring No pot.. Obama stands and believes that we need to help/ finance the now how do I say this guys gonna find something..hmm..lower income class?? might work..yet he said he was lower class..and he worked his...
  19. littlesteppers

    Okay Obama pple

    You don't get this...