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  1. walker30

    How long can stage 1 labor last?

    The udders are what's got me nervous From what I was told she is only 2 years old
  2. walker30

    How long can stage 1 labor last?

    So I got a call last night about a mare that needed to be picked up or it was gonna be killed and buried, the police wouldn't investigate until she was actually shot. Long story short I have a new made till I can get her rehomed my vet is coming Monday But I'm afraid she is late term pregnant...
  3. walker30

    How long can stage 1 labor last?

    Its so nice to see lil bit being her playful sweet self again she back to herself 100%. I'm a happy momma.
  4. walker30

    How long can stage 1 labor last?

    Sorry I didn get on here yesterday. She did have another foal but it was deformed and tiny. She passed it early Thursday morning before the vet came it was dead. But she still got her ultrasound and blood work and a theral checking and she is on antibiotics just incase and her belly is 100%...
  5. walker30

    How long can stage 1 labor last?

    I think I'm just paying to close of attention and analyzing everything way too much. She won't leave her stale though and it has me worried but maybe she's just mourning her baby and hurting because of her uterus contracting I've never seen any of this and I think I may be over reacting this is...
  6. walker30

    How long can stage 1 labor last?

    She was up and down all last night biting her sides rubbing her butt and this morning her milk is dripping and I'm having deja vu from sunday morning this is just weird... I'm sure its just her body getting rid of what she doesn't need and I'm guessing her behavior is normal. Idk She was up and...
  7. walker30

    How long can stage 1 labor last?

    Then again I might be going crazy who knows
  8. walker30

    How long can stage 1 labor last?

    To me it feels like a baby rolling around and then the whole right side o her belly Pops out then her left side twitches like kicks
  9. walker30

    How long can stage 1 labor last?

    I'm not getting hope up I just want her to be ok I don't want her to have to go through all that again do they roll on the ground and bit there sides after foaling? She's acting like she was 2 days ago laying down rolling getting up swishing her tail rubbing her but and bitting her sides... Is...
  10. walker30

    How long can stage 1 labor last?

    Could this be something seriously wrong with her causing the movement
  11. walker30

    How long can stage 1 labor last?

    This isn't making any sense to me
  12. walker30

    How long can stage 1 labor last?

    I havent left her side she's my baby... I noticed her stomach was moving and what looks like kicking i was concerened and callee the vet he said not to get my hopes up because its rare very rare and the likely hood of it surving is even more rare he said she may have been having a superfetation...
  13. walker30

    How long can stage 1 labor last?

    We are going to be ok the vet has checked her said she looks great and I did a good job at getting the baby out under the circumstances... And lil bit reassured me that it wasn't my fault with a kiss on the cheek and a head over my shoulder hug.
  14. walker30

    How long can stage 1 labor last?

    I'm an emotional reck we had a red sac delivery last night and I tried so hard to get the lil guy out but the lil colt didn't make it. She had a black colt with white socks. I could find his other foot in time.
  15. walker30

    How long can stage 1 labor last?

    Go figure its the coldest night of the year so far its suppose to snow lol
  16. walker30

    How long can stage 1 labor last?

    Its getting awefully real out here I'm sooo excited. Come on baby lol
  17. walker30

    How long can stage 1 labor last?

    She has milk dripping out of her ****s her feet are soaked in milk. Does this happen right before labor
  18. walker30

    How long can stage 1 labor last?

    She working on it now I'll post more pics her belly in a few she's rolling and stretching alot