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    old time shetland tack

    my daughter works with studs, spikes, etc to customize leather jackets and punk jewelry, motorcycle stuff, etc, and will be able to make mine for me, but it is nice to know that others still appreciate it! (nostalgic )
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    pics of the new place and horses :)

    lovely! What a nice little barn... , beautiful trees, rolling pastures... hope you will be very happy there!
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    free minis, ponies, arab gelding

    thanks, Spook is a lover and so much fun to ride. I am hoping to place him with someone who especially loves Arabians and appreciates their sensitivity and their active minds!
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    Skunks 12, dogs 0

    de- scent the dog with "adolph's" meat tenderizer. It breaks down the proteins in the smelly stuff. get the dog wet and apply liberally to the smelliest areas, rub in and leave for a few minutes, then rinse and shampoo with mild shampoo or soap. If you use detergents on the dogs, be sure to...
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    Babbit is now at home

    i love a story with a happy ending!
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    Wood pellets and other mini questions

    after they taste them they probably won't try again on the wood pellets. Even if they eat a couple it will probably just pass through, wood is cellulose, same as hay... just coarser form. I wouldn't worry too much on that one... If you are talking about feeding grain, yes, just tie the pushy...
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    old time shetland tack

    all those spots make it hard to clean.... yep, maybe thats one of the reasons silver trim is not quite as popular anymore!
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    old time shetland tack

    and the durango and cisco kid.... you know, the wonderful silver decorated stuff the (ahem) senior generation saw on the silver screen every saturday.... Does anybody out there collect such tack or have examples of it? I have one really cute studded pony saddle circa 1963 with a red seat and...
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    Pony Ride Insurance....suggest company, please.

    try talking to the agent who covers your home and farm, you may be surprised how little it costs. I was looking at getting coverage for teaching lessons here a while back and it was not that bad... depends on a lot of things i think. A good agent will help you explore the alternatives as to what...
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    Small Pet ideas?

    many apartments only allow fish or birds, some only fish... maybe best not to get any pet till you find out what is allowed otherwise maybe just leaving another critter behind? ... my daughter kept a beta in her room at college. he got so he would recognize her and visit with her, begging for...
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    Lest We Forget

    God bless those who served then and those who continue to serve.
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    today is veterans day

    many members here have family and friends on active duty. Thank them for what they are doing for us and their country. Help a family member of one fallen in service to our country to know their loved ones will not be forgotten and that their sacrifices are honored and valued. until the day we no...
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    Miniature horse driving bits...

    siron (sirlon) stahl bits or steubben brand names for the s in the bit... try libertyville tack shop at libertyville IL, think they have a website that google should turn up. they used to have lots of bits that could be ordered in mini sizes
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    Goat totes

    I know somebody who has custom made a plywood trailer box in the back of his pickup for his shetlands. looks wierd but gets the job done. has a huge long ramp but they walk up it without a problem.
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    trying to adopt a dog from a rescue

    I was a humane investigator here in Illinois for several years, not only for horses but also qualified and certified for small animals. Some of this policy would maybe depend on the humane laws in your state or the one with the animal for adoption, but I believe it is standard policy for most...
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    4H project horse, what does this mean?

    4H is set up by seasons, usually a year. the kids decide which programs they want to participate in, and make a plan. If they are doing ag projects, usually they raise livestock or crops from the beginning to market. If it is horses, they raise a colt or train a horse to show. Each program they...
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    Anyone else have a son or daughter that did a tour

    My son was Marine infantry at the invasion of Fallujah in Nov of last year, he saw a lot and did a lot, most of which he has a hard time talking about. He lost 28 of his best friends, who had always been there fighting by his side. How much more life changing things there must be to carry...
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    is she champagne??

    [try using google for champagne horse or something like that, the champagne sites I have seen are very good at providing photos of what they look like . It is really hard to tell true colors when their coats are clipped. sometimes the base coats have undercoats that are not true to their "real"...
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    Move update

    best wishes for a smooth move, easy setup, and joy in your heart as you settle into your new life! We will miss you here in Illinois!