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  1. Riverdance

    Does being in foal mean Higher $$$'s

    All of my mares that are for sale are open. Most often the buyer is buying the mare to breed to their own stallion. They do not want to wait another year. Also, you may love your stallion, but others are not interested in the resulting foal that they will have to find a home for. The only...
  2. Riverdance

    How to train that big dramatic neck arch?

    Actually, most Minis have a top of their neck, but not a poll. Most Minis can not tuck their heads the way most driving horses and breeds can. Nor can many give that arch one looks for at the horse show. To do that, one has to have a true "poll" not just a top of the neck.
  3. Riverdance

    How to train that big dramatic neck arch?

    There is more to it then that. If you just entice them to stick out their neck with their ears forward. That is what you are going to get. You have to work with them to get their heads up and teach them to arch it. It is easier to do if they have a pole. Many Minis do not have one and...
  4. Riverdance

    Good word of mouth................

    The person who owns Mini Express is wonderful. I used to buy everything from her at the World show when I lived in MN. Now that I live close, she is at every show here. A great person to buy from and has quality stuff!!
  5. Riverdance

    AMHA Hardship Closing

    Belinda, I am not saying anything bad about either registry and do not know why you are taking it that way. I have been told by AMHR judges (many years ago), that is one of the things they were told. If you have not heard that, then great, but my experience way back when was just that. (it...
  6. Riverdance

    AMHA Hardship Closing

    Thank you Charlotte for explaining to everyone. AMHA people hardly go on Lilbeginnings because of all the arguing with AMHR members. I used to show AMHR many years ago, and I have known for years that the judges have been told by AMHR to go for the pony characteristics. Remember, AMHR is a...
  7. Riverdance

    Height discrepancy on purchased horse

    Several years ago I bought a son of Uno De mayo. (not from the person who owns him). He was 2 years old and, they said, he was 33.5". That he had been shown as a yearling. It took about 2 months to get him. The hauler told me he had never had such a difficult, nasty horse and was glad to get...
  8. Riverdance

    Vaccine Protocols - foals & adults

    I will not use West Niles vaccine. Abortions along with other problems with the West Niles vaccines. I have 40 horses, so vaccinating can very expensive. All of my horses get East/West Encephalomyelitis and Tetanus. I do not have horses going in and out of the farm, so I do not give Rhino...
  9. Riverdance

    help with horse weight issues

    Too much protein is not good for any horse. It is very hard on their kidneys and the joints of growing animals.. A good grain is what is most important as well as a good quality hay. No grain tells you how many calories are in their feed. You can read the ingredients and of course it will...
  10. Riverdance

    How's your hay situation this year?

    I was lucky to have my farrier introduce me to a farmer who supplies hay all over Florida. With several semi trucks. His business is just hay. Coastal and perennial peanut hay( supposed to be as good as alfalfa). They were not taking on any more new customers, but they took me on. So I buy...
  11. Riverdance

    round bale holders??

    I just bought two Slow Buddy round bale feeders. They will be here next week. It will hold the round bales on their side so that rain will roll off (the way you see them in the fields) and the Minis can only eat slowly. There is only about 2& waist rather than 30%.
  12. Riverdance

    Another surprise regarding Marbles

    Here is another shot of his neck/
  13. Riverdance

    Another surprise regarding Marbles

    Many of you will remember my Brindle mare Riverdances Marbled Tigress. Well, I moved to Florida last September from Minnesota. For the first time all of my horses have shed out to very slick coats. In MN they never really did that. To my surprise Windchaser has shed out with stripes on him...
  14. Riverdance

    Miniature Horse world has lost another....

    Although I did not know Richard, being new to Florida, i am sorry to hear of his passing and wish his family the best.
  15. Riverdance

    Is this Lacing?

    Actually, it can occur at a rather young age. I have a buckskin mare who is only 2 and she has had lacing for a year.
  16. Riverdance

    Lost another foal

    Sometimes these things just happen. So sorry for your loss. I have been breeding for 15 years, this year I had my first hip lock (had two and lost both foals and one of the mares, and my first red bag. Saved that foal. Another year I had 5 abortions. Other years I have had no problems.
  17. Riverdance

    What kind of hay do you feed?

    Jax, The name of the hay slow hay feeder is Slow Buddy feeders. The holes are 1.5", so the Minis can graze off of it, but not be able to take mouthfuls at a time. I am waiting for a check to come in, and when it does I will be ordering four nets. I am tired of loosing 1/3rd the hay bales...
  18. Riverdance

    What kind of hay do you feed?

    I used to feed Alfalfa to my horses in MN. But moving down to Florida, Alfalfa is $18 a bale. Since I go through about 50 bales a month, it is too cost prohibitive. I got lucky and was introduced to a farmer who grows nothing but costal hay for horses. He supplies a good portion of the hay...
  19. Riverdance

    Critique My Stallion!!

    Based upon the second set of photos on your first stallion, i would have to say I like your second stallion better. He seems to have a better head and neck, but has a weaker rear and is longer in the back then your first stallion. He has more length of leg where the first stallion is short on...
  20. Riverdance

    Critique My Stallion!!

    He is a well balanced boy with a nice hip and decent shoulder. He is not long at all. A little coarse (heavy boned for todays show ring). His neck is a bit thick, but with exercise and neck sweating, that would improve. He has nice tiny ears, but his head seems to be a bit plain (no dish)...