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  1. MyBarakah

    A New Year and a new addition!

    Congrate's Becky!
  2. MyBarakah

    SUPER fat stallion (pics added pg. 3)

    To me he has no topline and is all belly... but too, hair can be quite decieving. When's the last time he's had his teeth done? Also... feeding grass hay makes them loose topline and gives them that grass belly.... I think changing his diet would make a difference. And yes... I would take him...
  3. MyBarakah

    Another newbie

    Hi from south eastern Nebraska Sandy!
  4. MyBarakah

    Kitten Pics

    Love them!! They are SOOO CUTE!! Good thing you live so far away!!!
  5. MyBarakah


    I have American Family Insurance and they have been really great to work with!
  6. MyBarakah

    Who do you think gives mores to the foal?

    I have always been told and for the most part believe that a mare gives 80% to the off spring. So it's good to have a good stallion but I think it's "crutial" to have a exceptional mare... I have had a couple mares that like to produce a foal that is just like the sire.. but it's the dam that...
  7. MyBarakah


    What works very well is using shredded beet pulp. I actually use the beet pulp and oats. Most of mine do not need ANY extra like grain. They do get some supplements. And then of course the alfafla. But I soak my beet pulp & oats together and make it very soupy.... Beet pulp is VERY GOOD to...
  8. MyBarakah

    Pics of the 'new' kid

    Your guy has nice movement for dressage. What level is he training at? Nice!
  9. MyBarakah

    Comment by 'MyBarakah' in media 'lexi2010filly3.jpg'

    I LOVE The photos!!! AWESOME!!
  10. MyBarakah

    Mare with foal looks thin

    My first question would be her teeth! When was the last time she's had her teeth done?
  11. MyBarakah

    2 Week Old Berners :)

    Oh! They are SOOOO CUTE! I would LOVE to have one some day. I think they are SO NEAT!
  12. MyBarakah

    Max and Teddy meet for the first time!

    AWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEE!! That is too cute!!!
  13. MyBarakah

    Too cute not to share

    Wow Cristina!!! Those are just AWESOME AWESOME photos!!! I LOVE them! And those are 2 VERY NICE boys!! The neck on the black & white colt! WOW!! Doc sure did GOOD!!!
  14. MyBarakah

    Need help - traveling to SD and WY

    I hope you guys have a great time! SOunds FUN! If you ever need to take a pit stop and need a break you are welcome to stop in NE and visit me! Would LOVE to meet some of the Forum Memebers. I don't know if you are coming threw NE but your are welcome to stop by any time!!
  15. MyBarakah

    Warning @ Banamine injections(IM)

    That's why I always squirt the banamine in my horse's mouths. And much easier to give that way also!
  16. MyBarakah

    building muscle in the right places

    I measure out thier beet pulp and oats with a one cup measuring cup and I measure it all out dry and then everyone has thier own bucket and I then add water to it until it's very soupy and wait a little while for it all to soak up.... Very good for dehydration. And yes.. I do add...
  17. MyBarakah

    building muscle in the right places

    Beet Pulp (shreeded) and whole oats with alfalfa hay are the KEY ingredients to my feed program to my show horses... The Beet Pulp does SO many good things and works in SO MANY ways... I would say it is the "essintial" key to the most important feed process... then the alfalfa then the oats...
  18. MyBarakah

    UTIs in horses

    Allot of times when they are drinking water like that is because they have a ulcer.. that would be my suspesion.
  19. MyBarakah


    Hi Kasey, I haven't been posting for quite a while.. but after reading your post... GET OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!! What are you doing living with a person like that.. You already know the answer... he's NO good. Why do you think you have to have a man in your life... You can do JUST FINE on your own...
  20. MyBarakah

    Tornado in Ok

    So glad to hear all you mini horse people are ok! Tornados are NO FUN! Right before I moved home after my divorce a tornado came by only several miles from where I rented. It took out a entire town just 8 miles north of where I live... I was a F5 catatgory and went for over 50 + miles.. it...