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  1. SugaryCharm

    Charm - Filly 3/23/13!!!

    I laughed out loud picturing that, thanks for sharing! Your mare is lovely as well...I love the pintos! Her face marking reminds me strongly of a gelding my mom used to have.
  2. SugaryCharm

    A nap in sun!!!

    Very cute! And what a nice setup you have for them, too.
  3. SugaryCharm

    Cat Nap

    Goodness--at first, I didn't see you under there! Cute picture. We have three of our own "furry sandbags," but my hubby prefers to call them fuzzy freeloaders! Not sure why it turned out so fuzzy, but here is a picture of his "fuzzy freeloader" on his lap.
  4. SugaryCharm

    Pear shape belly?

    I'd say it's a testament to your dedication that you were able to do as much as you did, considering the medical issues you are dealing with! Girls of all species have been having babies for a long time, and you're doing all you can for her, so try not to stress!
  5. SugaryCharm

    Links to Fast Food Restaurant Nutritional Info,

    Good info! Depressing, overall, to see just how bad for me some of my favorite fast-food meals are, but good info nonetheless!
  6. SugaryCharm

    Does anyone have Lupus that is willing to share advice?

    Glad you are enjoying some nice weather while you wait for answers, and glad to hear you are feeling better. We're thinking of you--keep us posted!
  7. SugaryCharm

    Charm - Filly 3/23/13!!!

    Hi all! I just wanted to start a thread for Charm and let you know I am enjoying watching everyone elses' mares progress. Charm is 5 this year and a maiden mare. She just came to us in January, and the girl I bought her from had only had her a few months so her history is a bit sketchy...
  8. SugaryCharm

    Neck Sashs for your Miniature

    Welcome to the forums! Your neck sashes are beautiful and I love the matching halter adornments. I'm no help on pricing, just wanted to say they are beautiful.
  9. SugaryCharm

    Crackle painting

    Winter jackets collecting on all our kitchen chairs prompted me to make a hook board to organize coats by the back door. I crackle painted it using Elmer's glue and latex paint. I'm planning to hang it up this weekend, but I haven't quite decided if it "needs" anything else or if it is...
  10. SugaryCharm

    Do you read too much?

    ...Could we be related? This sounds just like me!
  11. SugaryCharm

    ADDED--Extended version of 2013 Budweiser commercial (see #10)

    I guess I am a dweeb too--it got to me also! Had to watch it twice--too good. We don't have television so I never would have seen this--thanks for sharing.
  12. SugaryCharm

    Do you read too much?

    Sometimes I do feel guilty about my "reading habit." For me, it comes in spells: I'll devour 3 books in 3 days, barely moving from the recliner except to feed animals (forget cooking for myself + husband; if I'm reading, dear hubby knows to fend for himself!), then I'll go a month without...
  13. SugaryCharm

    Do you have big horses? Ride?

    I have one big horse, a 4-year-old APHA/PtHA mare that I raised and trained myself. I am hoping to season her on barrels and poles this year, and maybe show at halter/showmanship. I've shown her off and on since she was a yearling, but despite her halter-horse pedigree she has been a very...
  14. SugaryCharm

    Hello from Lady Lavender in Houston

    I tried to stick to my "must-have" criteria while I was looking for a mini (mare, papered, pinto, gentle to handle/easy to catch) but the pinto part fell by the wayside when I met Charm...she has no white at all except a few white hairs by her navel! Also, not too long ago someone else on...
  15. SugaryCharm

    What started it all?

    I cut my teeth on Sesame Street books before I was even in school, but the first books I remember really falling in love with were Christopher Pike's Spooksville series and Alfred Hitchcock's Three Investigators series. I guess I have been a series gal all my life!
  16. SugaryCharm

    Hello from Lady Lavender in Houston

    Welcome from a fellow newbie! Lavender is beautiful. Not sure if registration is important to you, but there are often quite a few minis on Craigslist going for beans. However, some are not well cared for so you'd have to be a bit careful.
  17. SugaryCharm

    My new show shirt!! What do you think? NEW pics. on pg. 2

    Oooh, that is a pretty color. I think that would look good with just about any color horse! If the stars are edged in black (hard for me to tell from the photos) I'd say go for black pants. Congratulations and thank you for reminding me that I need to finish hemming my show shirt...
  18. SugaryCharm

    Marriage Proposals

    What a sweet story! Congratulations to you on finding "the one." I'm not the best with romantic/creative ideas, but I did have some twists on the ideas you mentioned... On your "shoe" idea, what if you put the ring inside her shoe, then when she puts her foot in and realizes something is in...
  19. SugaryCharm

    Appetite Suggestions welcomed /Updated with a picture

    Since you are concerned about hydration and fiber and are already feeding timothy and alfalfa separately, you might consider Purina's Hydration Hay. It is timothy, orchardgrass and alfalfa in blocks that you can soak. My fussy nibbler big horse loves the stuff as long as I don't make it too...
  20. SugaryCharm

    Excited To Introduce Our Newest Mini

    I just love the pintos--congratulations!!