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  1. SugaryCharm

    Printed Books are still hot

    Interesting article. I love Kindle books but I do continue to read printed ones as well. There is just something "different" about a physical book. However, I have no desire for a huge personal library of books I'll never read again (anticipating another move in the next couple of years...)...
  2. SugaryCharm

    Hello :3

    Hello and welcome from another newbie! Your little guys (and girl) sound lucky to have found you. I am a sucker for a loud pinto like Destiny but they all look beautiful Congratulations!
  3. SugaryCharm

    Genre for February is FANTASY/SCIENCE FICTION

    They made a movie of this one; have you seen it? I watched it just a couple of weeks ago.
  4. SugaryCharm

    Hello from Oklahoma!

    I'm about a half hour north of Tulsa. I didn't realize that the AMHR Nationals were in Tulsa until I started looking into minis...shortly after last year's show. I'm hoping to check it out this year!
  5. SugaryCharm

    Question for Kindle users

    I was thinking the same thing! Not that they aren't handy, but sheesh the cost of them seems crazy to me. I guess if I had one, I could leave my Kindle at home and read on my phone instead!
  6. SugaryCharm

    Your personal book rules

    As a general rule, I try not to bend pages or damage spines as I'm reading, but that can be tough with fat paperbacks. I have a hardcover boxed series that I reread every few years but look pristine because I take the jackets off while they're out of the box and am generally very careful when I...
  7. SugaryCharm

    Do you feel judged?

    I don't pass judgment on strangers for what they read. What if the person picked that title up on recommendation from a friend/coworker/etc, and they weren't really enjoying it? What if it were assigned to them for a class? I think that a person's reaction to, and interpretation of, a...
  8. SugaryCharm

    Genre for February is FANTASY/SCIENCE FICTION

    I love fantasy novels (especially series) so I hope you don't mind me jumping in, even though I'm a newbie here . I thought ohmt's recommendation Pathfinder by Orson Scott Card sounded intriguing. I'd also nominate Shatter by Elizabeth Mock--I read it when it came out a few years ago and...
  9. SugaryCharm

    Question for Kindle users

    We have a data limit on our internet and our Kindle isn't 3G capable (we still have "dumb" cellphones, so no need for 3G devices...) so sometimes I will shop for books on the Amazon website and then take the Kindle with me to McDonalds/etc (anywhere with free WiFi) and download the books from there!
  10. SugaryCharm

    Comment by 'SugaryCharm' in media 'inn5.jpg'

    This is, in one word, adorable!
  11. SugaryCharm

    Comment by 'SugaryCharm' in media 'oreo's christmas parade'

    I love her "ruby slippers" and the plume headdress! She looks very festive!
  12. SugaryCharm

    Comment by 'SugaryCharm' in media 'A GREAT LGD will let their stock do almost ANYTHING to them!'

    This just made my morning! Bless his/her heart for having so much patience.
  13. SugaryCharm

    Neck wrap, to big ?

    I'm not much help regarding whether to sweat or not to sweat your second boy, but I wanted to say he is gorgeous! I love his markings and his multicolor tail. What a fancy guy!
  14. SugaryCharm

    Hello from Oklahoma!

    Marsha and Julie, I grew up around Altus and I still make regular trips back, so I'm pretty familiar with the area! Marsha, funny you should mention Edye Lucas--I just ran across her site a week or two ago while I was looking into dental work for my "big," Sugar. She has been floated by the...
  15. SugaryCharm

    Hello from Oklahoma!

    Hi Liz! My mom is from the Riverside area. I really like it out there except for the traffic--I would be "skeered" to take a trailer anywhere in that traffic, let alone somewhere like the Cajon Pass!
  16. SugaryCharm

    Our Very First Minis

    I agree ksoomekh! They get you out of bed when you might not otherwise, make you exercise when you don't feel like it, listen to your troubles without judgment and cheer you with their unique personalities and crazy antics! Others may call us "horse crazy," but I'd venture it is those without...
  17. SugaryCharm

    Stalls door size/stall size/stall ideas?

    My husband and I put in two stalls in our barn this summer. They were made within the constraints of the existing barn with big horses in mind (one is 11' x 14' and the other is 11' x 12'). The solid portion is 4' high. I am new to the world of minis but so far I like the "big horse" sized...
  18. SugaryCharm

    Hello from Oklahoma!

    Hello from Northeast Oklahoma! I have been lurking the forums for the last month or so as I have been searching for a mini mare to be a companion for my lonely APHA/PtHA mare "Sugar." I feel as if I have already learned a lot about minis in that time but I still have so many questions...
  19. SugaryCharm

    Fescue Hay and Field Grass

    I am in a similar situation right now with a late-term pregnant mare. As has been stated, your local extension office should be able to help identify what you have. My mare is restricted to grazing the yard (at least it is a large yard) until she foals, as I think some of our "native" pasture...
  20. SugaryCharm

    Comment by 'SugaryCharm' in media 'Max and Teddy'

    That is an adorable picture; it looks like one you'd see in a magazine. I am a sucker for pintos. What a couple of cuties!