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  1. littlesteppers

    Tax Payers Money Ouch!

    You truly don't live in the south..I believe..not sure..a nun is dressed in black and white...
  2. littlesteppers

    Tax Payers Money Ouch!,2933,380143,00.html Here is the article..if you prefer to read
  3. littlesteppers

    Tax Payers Money Ouch!

    Good One?? You is the video..
  4. littlesteppers

    Tax Payers Money Ouch!

    Oh are not keeping up..your comment is raceist..we can't call it bl##k hole you gonna say Devils cake.. and NO I did not make these up!
  5. littlesteppers

    Drunk Pony
  6. littlesteppers

    What does it truly mean to be an American....

    I think America's founding principles are fading, but it has little to do with the above issues. What /..the question was about JUst that.. I think you just looking for more stuff to celebrate..
  7. littlesteppers

    AIG..tuned it down???

    It is pefectly LEGAL to have offshore accounts..this is why we need a fair bring all this money back into the market!
  8. littlesteppers

    What does it truly mean to be an American....

    Is America and her founding principles disappearing? YES..very it is not as visiable..I will wish ANYBODY a Merry CHRISTMAS..and if they don't like in the south we had businesses putting signs out..We will wish you a merry CHRISTMAS..guess what these poeople made quite...
  9. littlesteppers

    Ayers and Wright

    McCain has to bring up Ayers..since he got labeled as afraid to talk about it.. I don't get why he can not talk about Wright.. SAD
  10. littlesteppers

    AIG..tuned it down???

    Wellll..actually 13 trillion are hidden in offshore accounts..and I don't think these people will loose One penny..still don't know what that has to do with AIG going hunting in England..
  11. littlesteppers

    Why won't Obama reach across the aisle?

    WHy?/ because he is sitting sooo far to the left..he would fall over if he reached!
  12. littlesteppers

    AIG..tuned it down???

    I am dumb by nature..what are you saying??
  13. littlesteppers

    AIG..tuned it down???

  14. littlesteppers

    AIG..tuned it down??? mind you this was after the SECOND package
  15. littlesteppers

    Question - Was the U.S. founded as a Republic or a Democracy?

    I think this is what it should be and is NOT "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
  16. littlesteppers

    This is really messing with my mind

    That sucker stole the change..If a room cost 25 and you devide it by 3 its 8.33333333
  17. littlesteppers

    XXXrated adult movie now?

    did you we gonna get a SEX movie starring a Palin look-alike? VERY classy..wonder when we get a Biden or a Obama movie getting..
  18. littlesteppers

    Palin spent taxpayer money to attend religious events

    For the state? Usaully earmarks are VERY building a road for a property YOU own..or have a train go somewhere where it profits YOU.. Or GIVE money to the hospital where your wife works
  19. littlesteppers

    Is anyone else bugged by these studies?

    If kids are never exposed to germs they can never build immunity..thats why my kids are so healthy!!