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  1. C

    My dog Tracey, very bad news

    Postive thoughts and hugs headed your way for Tracey and You. Another supplement that I've seen work wonders on dogs is Cosequin, ask your vet.
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    Ok, All You Avid Readers.....You Gotta Know About This

    Well since it seems most of you don't know about this I will tell you. There is a really cool club called PaperBackSwap. They have 2 memberships, one is free, the other is $8 per year. And it doesn't just include paperbacks, it also includes hardbacks and audio books of all kinds. You don't...
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    Anybody Heard Of This Type Of Hay???

    Has anyone ever heard of a grass hay called Sudan Wonder Graze??? If so........what's it like??? Is it ok for horses???
  4. C

    Maine People, Help Please!!!

    Thanks Tracy! I will try and get in touch with both Lee and Fiona. Enchantress (Jen) PM'ed me last evening also, so hopefully she can help to. :
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    Maine People, Help Please!!!

    I need some information about a specific part of the state of Maine. So anyone who lives there, or knows alot about the state can you please PM me or email me. Thanks!
  6. C

    Update on Patty Twink

    Oh No, not the news I was hoping for. So glad Bill was with her when she passed though, I'm sure that was comforting for her. Sending hugs for everyone, and some extra ones for Angel, I hope she won't be sad for long, I bet she knows she'll get to see her friend again someday.
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    Finnigan Had A Photo Shoot

    It was time for Finnigan to have a photo shoot. I never really took many pictures of him last year as a yearling. Now that he's a 2 year old I figured he needed some new shots. This is my BTU grandson, MF Charmed IMA Gonna Be A Star, he is 33.25" tall and has been that tall since he turned a...
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    Prayers needed for Patty Twink!

    Oh no! I hope Patty Twink gets better really fast so I can give her a big hug when I come to visit. Lots of healing thoughts heading your way.
  9. C

    Osteomyelitis - Help!!!!!!!

    Chloramphenicol can cause Aplastic Anemia in people. So it doesn't cause instant death if you get it on you, you just might get sick later on. I believe the ratio is 1 person out of every 10,000 is sensitive to the drug. They still give this drug to people in extreme cases where nothing else...
  10. C

    Forgot - what's the dosage for Lutalyse?

    Lutalyse is used to bring a mare into heat in a timed manner. They usually come in 3 days after giving lutalyse. Here is the dose my vet has always had me give. 1 cc should be for a 1000 pound mare. I give 1/2 cc for 2 days in a row. The actual dose for a mini mare depeding on size is .3 of...
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    Osteomyelitis - Help!!!!!!!

    Ask your vet about using Chloramphenicol for the antibiotic part. It's supposed to be the best thing for bone infections. It was the last thing we tried on my filly Karo who had a bone infection in her jaw, we had tried everything else with no success. She was on the Chloramphenicol for 3...
  12. C

    Anyone Know What Kind This Is???

    We get these every year during our monsoon season. They tend to weave their webs close to our pond, I think they like the moisture. We just leave them alone. Anyone know what they are? They are slow moving and slightly bigger than an average black widow.
  13. C

    Ok Karla! Black & Whites!!!

    Our Koi pond......... Tooty......... Josie........ My favorite, Homer............ One of my Barred Rock Hens........ And the goose, Chandler, is Sepia tone.........
  14. C

    sucking his tongue?

    Well I think it's adorable! I have a 19 year old mare who does it any time she eats something yummy, a treat, her salt block, grain. I read an article last year in Equus magazine I think it was. It talked about the condition and likened it to being similar to cribbing or wind sucking, only...
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    Ok, My Pics For The Day!!!

    Practicing with the new camera ya' know : One of my favorite chickies........ And another of my favorites.....
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    Would you like to see the man in my life now?

    What a wonderful little guy! And what a great tolerant cat :new_shocked: Now, no more pictures of your hollow, I already can't wait to get there, counting the days. Pretty pictures are just going to make the days pass more slowly :
  17. C

    Can I have some help

    I also posted this on your other thread. But I feed XTN to all of my horses, who are normally rarely worked. All of mine do great on it.
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    critique please

    Just so you know..........Nutrena XTN is perfectly safe for minis. I feed it to all of mine, and none of them are worked. The easy keepers get 1/2 cup on up to 4 cups per day for the hard keepers. I was told by a Nutrena nutritionist that because of the way the feed is put together that it's...
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    Well I'm Just A Big Giant Dweeb!!!

    Ok, so some of you know I've been complaining about my Canon S2IS camera. It doesn't focus, the pictures are pixelated and the color is off. So here's the story................... Before Christmas my Dad was trying to decide between the Canon S2IS and a Minolta. We decided on the Canon and...
  20. C

    You All Need To Go Do This!!!

    Can you imagine no more Lil'Beginnings or Ebay, or anything else we love, and all of our information sources...........just gone. Congress is trying to pass a bill that would do just that. Go to this link and hit the button that says "Contact Congress" It will ask for your info and send a...