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  1. C

    Anyone Dealt With Ringworm Before???

    I'm needing a picture of ringworm just for reference. I'm not having any luck finding any pictures of it on horses on the web. Found plenty of pictures of it on cats, dogs, and even cattle, but no pictures of ringworm on a horse. I've found lots of descriptions but would like a picture for...
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    WeeOkie Miniatures

    Oh No!!! : I'm sending positive thoughts that they are found soon. Giant Hugs for Rita and Hugh
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    Heads Up: NEW West Nile Vaccine!

    Now that's just funny.......when I looked at Agri-Med yesterday before ordering they didn't have Prevenile listed........Oh well, only a couple of dollars, but Heartland would have matched that price anyway, they are doing a price match right now, and were really great about matching all the...
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    Heads Up: NEW West Nile Vaccine!

    Good Idea Kay, I will call and see if they tested on Miniatures. I'm not sure if Merial did with their Recombitek which is what I used for the last 3 years........Hmmm, never thought to find out. No worries on the pregnant mare front, since I'm not breeding anymore. My vet didn't have any...
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    Share pictures of your ridding horses

    Here are mine, I currently have 4. All of my riding pictures and better horsey pictures are on my other computer, so these will have to do for now. This is Sam, a 4 year old I've had since last March. He is technically for sale, though I'm not trying too hard to sell him. He's a sweety just...
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    Heads Up: NEW West Nile Vaccine!

    Just wanted everyone to know that there is a new West Nile Vaccine available from Intervet. Already talked to my vet, he 100% agrees it is now the leading WNV vaccine available. I've already ordered mine from Heartland Vet Supply, you have to call and ask, they don't have it listed on the...
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    Ok people you need to come out of the wood work here.

    I've only given it to one mini, for a week, along with was a few years ago so I don't remember why we did it, something reproductive I think. No adverse reactions. Gave it to my old big horse mare many many times in conjunction with penicillin, she never had any...
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    The Neverending Saga........first one of 2007

    YAY!!! :aktion033: She's a beauty : We got a new fridge last year too, our 25 year old finally decided it could pee on the floor........where do they learn these things : Our new one barely fits, we did measure thank goodness. But it's 29.8 cubic feet, and we have that thing filled to the...
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    Anyone Heard Of Gramma Grass???

    Just wondering if anyone has heard of this type of grass as hay..........Gramma Grass??? If so, is it safe? What family of grasses is it in??? Etc........ Thanks!
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    Doing my taxes - Having minis can be EXPENSIVE!

    Karin you are doing good for having 60 horses!!! :aktion033: I've got 19, and my farrier bills for the year.......$4,000 My vet bills from October 2005 until now (bad year)....estimate $30,000, good thing my vet takes payments. I haven't sold any, because none are sellable.........and I'm...
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    Submit your Feed Info

    Hi Robin, I feed Nutrena XTN One level 8 ounce cup weighs in at 4 ounces on the dot, that does not iclude the weight of the cup. Here is the link to the webpage for the nutrition information........ Nutrena XTN I'll have to get you a list of ingredients off the bag tomorrow. Anything else...
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    Well he is just absolutely adorable, and I agree he is a silver bay with dun factor. :aktion033: Will have to think on the name question Congrats :bgrin
  13. C

    Global warming?

    Jane I couldn't have said it better myself :aktion033: Part of the reason why I've decided not to have children and add more people to this world! Obviously things are screwy here in NM, 14 inches of snow last weekend, that was record breaking for us, and we haven't hit a high temp over 35...
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    I need advice on going to sleep at nights!

    There are a couple of other herbal remedies you can try also........valerian is one, it mainly works as an anti-anxiety which could work for you, sounds like you do what I are now in the habit of not sleeping so you unintentionally psyche yourself out. I do the same as another...
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    Here's some pictures..........will add some more later!!! These 2 horses are both 33 inches, and it's just past their knees. Diamond.... Finnigan.... And Noah is 31.75 inches..... I will get some more scenery pictures and post tonight. :
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    We are having a record breaking storm here in New Mexico. It's been snowing for almost 2 days. As of this morning we have 14 inches at my house and I live in the valley :new_shocked: Up in the foothills, near the mountains there is up to 2 feet. Both major highways, I-25 and I-40 are closed...
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    Auction Colt Update.....Bad News

    I had to put the little guy to sleep. He just wasn't getting any better. The Naxcel wasn't helping at all, we even had him on a double dose. He had 16 open abcesses including one over each eye. He had a lot of swelling in his ankles and very sore feet and little scabs all over his body, the...
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    Here He Is......Details and Pictures!

    Well here are some more details about the little guy. Well the little guy is still doing ok this morning. My other vet will be here later this afternoon, to do more things. To top off all his other problems, he's got a nasty case of full blown strangles :new_shocked: Here's what the vet...
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    The Auction Colt!!!

    I'm sorry I haven't PM'ed anyone, I just got home not long ago from the action!!! I did get him, he is here, the vet has already been here, and will be back tomorrow. I'm too exhausted right now to go into detail, so will do so tomorrow morning. I'll post a new topic, with pictures in the...
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    Anyone Want To Help Me Save This Guy For Christmas???

    Went to our local auction today, goes on every 3 months. There is usually a pen of minis. Well this time it's really bad. But this guy stood out. He is probably between 6 and 10 months old, really tiny, and nothing but bones. His feet are horrid and he is dragging one back leg. Has alot of...