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  1. Mulligans Run

    Raven's Thread: Updated video at 1 month page 78

    Restarting Cam will be back momentarially
  2. Mulligans Run

    Raven's Thread: Updated video at 1 month page 78

    Well, hate to say it but looks like Ace has loose poo....what the heck? Everyone going to pass Raven?
  3. Mulligans Run

    Raven's Thread: Updated video at 1 month page 78

    Dog gone it. I didn't want you to find out. I really like this mare...she licks my hand you know (tasting me to see if I'm good enough to eat). I think she needs to stay here forever and we overloaded her on cookies. And we put itching powder on her so that there is some sort of...
  4. Mulligans Run

    Raven's Thread: Updated video at 1 month page 78

    Oh, and she will be put back in her stall tonight. I just had to move Dancer and Simon so they could get some outside time before they go to the Nursery barn, which will hopefully have cams by next week. Raven's stall will be cleaned well before she goes back in. Maybe a break from reading the...
  5. Mulligans Run

    Raven's Thread: Updated video at 1 month page 78

    Everytime I looked at her last night she was head down in the hay. I honestly contemplated walking down and seeing if she had tipped forward and was stuck.
  6. Mulligans Run

    Raven's Thread: Updated video at 1 month page 78

    I'm not sure how you can tell that she's thinner. All I have seen for the past two hours is her hinney...her head has completely disappeared in a halo of hay.
  7. Mulligans Run

    Raven's Thread: Updated video at 1 month page 78

    Shannon has her out for her nightly check. Wax on....wax off.....
  8. Mulligans Run

    Raven's Thread: Updated video at 1 month page 78

    Ah...well then I found my way home! LOL The upside camera...well I can't take credit for that. We have a couple of outside cams out that are under warranty so the guys were here trying to get them going. "Trying". LOL One is still out - the one I want the most. Isn't that the way it works...
  9. Mulligans Run

    Raven's Thread: Updated video at 1 month page 78

    Well, as a matter of is. And we added a "mini" plunger, which she was very interested in. Now she's standing at the wall, butt to the door, peeking through the crack into Wishy's stall. Not sure she was impressed with the directions since it doesn't indicate that cookies are involved.
  10. Mulligans Run

    Raven's Thread: Updated video at 1 month page 78

    Parmela, for what it's worth, several of ourvmares have tested ready for weeks. Many mares on Mare Stare have tested ready and waxed for weeks this year. It may be something in the air with these solar flares. I think it's Gods way of showing us that it's ultimately in his hands and she will...
  11. Mulligans Run

    Raven's Thread: Updated video at 1 month page 78

    Bag photo...x-rated LOL Parmela asked me to post. Wax beads on ends.
  12. Mulligans Run

    Raven's Thread: Updated video at 1 month page 78

    I know now why Raven didn't foal last night. We had over 10 babies born yesterday on Mare Stare...I am still waiting on an official count...but I don't think Raven wants to share the "lime light". I think she likes being the center of attention and doesn't want to share. LOL
  13. Mulligans Run

    Raven's Thread: Updated video at 1 month page 78

    Yes, she has been moved to a big stall. She fits well in the long holding stalls, but we prefer to foal in the bigger stalls, plus she can have daily turn out out the back and still be on cam
  14. Mulligans Run

    Raven's Thread: Updated video at 1 month page 78

    Well, she stood at the gate and paced to come back in. When Shannon let her in she dragged her to the stall. So she's a house plant for sure....prefers to be in under the fans rather than out. LOL They are so hot and itchy...unseasonably warm here. She is still testing ready and has wax beads...
  15. Mulligans Run

    Raven's Thread: Updated video at 1 month page 78

    Wow I had no idea there was a separate board for foalings and cams! This is excellent - well done!! Yes, we need a place for the "minis on cams" as the big horse people tend to get camera shy when it comes to the minis foaling. Yes, Miss Raven is still very pregnant and very uncomfy. I'm...
  16. Mulligans Run

    AMHR Nationals OMG 1 week away

    We will be in the back of the Super Duty barn with Aloha Acres and our "herd" of eleven that we are bringing, or that are being brought for us. And we will be with Rose Mill Training Center... wherever Sarah & Kay are as they have a two year old filly of ours. Excited to see them and her...
  17. Mulligans Run

    Darla's official foaling thread.

    Will get the time and date added asap.