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  1. miniwhinny


    LOVE that white mane !!!!!! He's looking very handsome.
  2. miniwhinny

    Eclipse miniature horse trailer

    Now that is SWEET !!! I'm finding it hard to grasp size....make sure you show us more pics with your mini's tucked safely on board
  3. miniwhinny

    Has anyone seen the recent pictures of Einstein?

    Sorry - that's what I was more of a generic "we" than an actual "we"
  4. miniwhinny

    Has anyone seen the recent pictures of Einstein?

    I wonder if he has issues moving well with his roached spine. I once had a friend who had scoliosis and it for sure influenced the way she moved (or didn't) Knowing how young he is still - and stil growing - it's certainly developing at a fairly fast rate. Oh and as a side note...since when are...
  5. miniwhinny

    Well, it's official....

    I'm so pleased you found it early. Keeping you in my thoughts
  6. miniwhinny

    Has anyone seen the recent pictures of Einstein?

    I think this is great also but if you look at his other youtube vids they say they were going to geld him but now are not, they are keeping him a stallion. I'm not saying he is or isn't a dwarf...I don't have enough experience to know but even if he's not IMO he's not something I would keep as a...
  7. miniwhinny

    Perfect compliment to our Mini Horses

    Me too and a tiger the size of a house cat
  8. miniwhinny

    Has anyone seen the recent pictures of Einstein?

    It's very hard to tell from one of two pictures. It's easier in a video because you can freeze the frames. I do see a roached back, hope he doesn't suffer with that later in life.
  9. miniwhinny

    Has anyone seen the recent pictures of Einstein?

    Do you have a link to the dwarf forum?
  10. miniwhinny

    New Colt for Phish Mountain Minis

    Any updates and PLEASE share more pictures of your precious little one
  11. miniwhinny


    I'm a Spanish horse breed fanatic but just don't have the time or desire to have biggies anymore so bye-bye magnificent creatures. Oh wait!!! I have myself a teeny tiny Andalusian in miniature - can't think of anything more perfect Oh and.... Small feed bills. Buying 1 ton of hay not 4...
  12. miniwhinny

    Creta Hills' First Spirit Foal has arrived!

    Very VERY pretty :wub
  13. miniwhinny

    New Colt for Phish Mountain Minis

    No, you won't "jinx" him if you name him - (and black cats aren't evil and the tooth fairy doesn't really exist lol) Give him a name...he's earned it
  14. miniwhinny

    Newbies WAKE UP

    I have just one thing to say..... :pantiesbig: :pantiesbig: Okay that was more than one thing lol. But seriously, we don't all like the same types...we don't all like the same heights...we all like different colors, bloodlines, disciplines etc and we shouldn't get upset because someone...
  15. miniwhinny

    Could use some advice

    I posted this EXACT same thing yesterday but I guess the mods decided to remove it. I 100% agree. You said yourself that she lives so far away that you'll never see the baby - so why are you letting it bother you to such a "hateful" degree?
  16. miniwhinny

    Could use some advice

    Maybe, seeing as it's none of your business, you should be less judgmental of others. Oh and this comment "god even gave her a second chance to wait until they were more stable and ready, the first time she got pregnant she had a miscarriage!" is one of the most evil things I've ever read on...
  17. miniwhinny

    Newbies WAKE UP

    I agree with what you've said but differ on one point...don't just pick on newbies . The odd "newbie" breeding the odd foal is a drop in the ocean compared to the larger farms popping them out like it's going out of style and flooding the market with their "gotta make room" sales.
  18. miniwhinny

    Second foal is a knock out!

    OMG !!! He's GORGEOUS!!!!
  19. miniwhinny

    In the news...

    That's awesome news Thank you ALL for caring about this one single life enough to do what you've done for him
  20. miniwhinny

    mini size classifications
