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  1. miniwhinny

    Valedictorian speech

    Thank you and I am (we are lol).
  2. miniwhinny

    Daughter's college graduation...

    I agree that a nice simple piece of jewelry would be nice. I'm sure she's not expecting much - especially knowing you're traveling so far to be with her. Congrats on her graduation
  3. miniwhinny

    Valedictorian speech

    Hope you don't mind a proud mom bragging a little. My 17 year old graduated HS yesterday and was class Valedictorian. In days when you hear so many negative things about our youth I just wanted to share this video. Matt aced his ACT. Was accepted into an Ivy league school and was awarded a full...
  4. miniwhinny

    Pet peeve

    I'd irk you them This is a height breed with the word "miniature" being the focus. I'm not saying there aren't any fabulous larger ponies out there - I see people post them on this board all the time....but I wouldn't classify them as "miniature" for one second. I'd buy one if I wanted a nice...
  5. miniwhinny

    Pet peeve

    THEY are ponies. It doesn't matter what we want to call them genetically not only do they cluster in the pony group they are placed right next to the Island Shetland Pony - their closest genetic relative. Calling them horses is a nice marketing ploy but the same way you can prove who your...
  6. miniwhinny

    Obama Visit

    blink·ered/ˈbliNGkərd/Adjective 1. (of a horse) Wearing blinders. 2. Having or showing a limited outlook: "a small-minded, blinkered approach".
  7. miniwhinny

    May 21st 2011

  8. miniwhinny

    May 21st 2011

    No zombies for you today Jill but these pictures are funny
  9. miniwhinny

    May 21st 2011

    YOu're too funny. Like if there really was such a thing as a god he'd seriously be wearing a Rolex "not yet's only 5.58pm" HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
  10. miniwhinny

    May 21st 2011

    Bo-hoo such a stunning lack of zombies. I was looking forward to a little fun today Wonder what this Camping nutcase has to say now? Only why should he be concerned - he's earned himself a nice little nest egg preying on the fears of the gullable.
  11. miniwhinny

    May 21st 2011

    5.38am Pacific time 5.21.11 maybe this isn't happening until later in the day
  12. miniwhinny

    May 21st 2011

    Hey, I'm really ticked off those folks stole my idea of post rapture pet care...I was going to do that too HAHAHAHA. There's a mini van in town with a bumper sticker saying "in case of rapture this vehicle available". I'm going to have fun on Sunday collecting everything I have dibs on.
  13. miniwhinny

    May 21st 2011

  14. miniwhinny

    May 21st 2011

    and on Sunday the kids line will be "lucy, you have a lot of explaining to do" and what a terrible thing for a parent to say to a child “My mom has told me directly that I’m not going to get into heaven,” Grace Haddad, 16, said. “At first it was really upsetting, but it’s what she honestly...
  15. miniwhinny

    How do you know when its time to say good bye?

    This breaks my heart. We treat our animals with dignity and respect and know when enough suffering has been endured but can't do the same for ourselves. My heart goes out to your Dad. I'm so glad that Oregon allows physician-assisted suicide.
  16. miniwhinny

    Equine Herpes virus outbreak

    Oregon now has it's first confirmed case.
  17. miniwhinny

    Can't believe I saw this on craigslist today

    This is disgusting Talk about flooding OUR breed with dwarf genes!
  18. miniwhinny


    I'm not's best for us to be cautious with this virus running rampant.
  19. miniwhinny

    Top Chef using horse meat as ingredient

    It's things like this that make me wish that heck really was a real place. Heartbreaking. ETS - come you can't say h...e...l...l ? lol