You're welcome
Just make sure they don't change the angles to quickly...or you're going to have a couple of very sore mares. A good farrier will know how to help slowly change those steep angles.
This is off topic but I have to ask...who does their feet? They both look horribly club footed. One is right up on her tippy toes. If it's really poor farrier work that's one thing but the leading cause of clubbed feet in equines in genetic. I'm tending to think because of the angel of the back...
Wow, mom and dad are soooo handsome
I don't see roan in momma. I'm not that familiar with it but I thought it needed to be in a parent to produce it. Mom doesn't have a coon tail does she?
I don't think you have anything to worry about. Life 'ain't gonna be any different on the 22nd. People have been beating this horse for a thousand years lol
HAHAHAH beats me although some people can and will believe all kinds of things that are complete nonsense. The sad thing is there are hundreds of frightened old people who are emptying out their bank accounts to send to this creep to assure they're going to be saved. Like one caller to his radio...
Because I keep getting emails saying "what?"
Oh and just in case we make it past the next 3 weeks...when the Mayan calendar comes to an end...I'm also prepared to take stuff for folks then
Just want folks to know I'm taking stallions, precious metals, stocks, bonds, and Real Estate holdings off the hands of anyone who won't be needing them anymore
ML I 100% thank you for posting that. The message board has become a place where we're all walking on glass. I'm sorry but Rabbitsfizz hit the nail on the head when she said
I realize saying what I'm about to say is continuing this myself but so many of us are getting so fed up of this. If Kris...
My eyes went to her front legs right away also. She looks to be over at the knee can't tell from that photo because she may also be leaning towards the other horse throwing her legs off.
I actually see more faults in the large only having three legs would really worry me...