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  1. M

    Fencing Question....

    My first choice is always cattle panels, but they are pretty expensive so I can't use them for any real large areas. For the fields I have woven wire. I use the T posts for both.
  2. M

    Do your horses have well water, is there a filter?

    Humans and horses get well water here. That's all we've got, and no filter.
  3. M

    Hoof Stands

    I'd really like to make my own hoof stand to use when I'm trimming and such. Since I'm not exactly a pro at welding, I'm looking for some "alternative" ideas If you have made your own, please could you share how you did it/what you used. It doesn't have to be pretty, just functional (and safe...
  4. M

    I'm looking for miniature horse auctions

    Lolli Bros. in Macon, Missouri - -September 24th -December 10th The July sale was this past Saturday...