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  1. bullockcorner

    Do you turn out your Minis on wet/cold days????

    I agree with what everyone has said about NOT blanketing, and that mother nature provides. However...I wanted to ask....when you have those "wet spells" between the cold snaps, and those silly horses feel they must roll in the mud, I worry that their coat is not able to do it's job if it's too...
  2. bullockcorner

    Do you test your mares for pregnancy?

    I'm with AnnaC. I "test" with my stallion. Actually, I was surprised that wasn't one of the choices to vote. After a breeding cycle, I bring the mare around the stallion when it's getting close to when she would be coming in again. I do that every other day for a few days until she either...
  3. bullockcorner

    2013 AMHR Nationals Sept. 5 to 15 ♥ LIVE FEED ♥ Watch here!

    O.K....I'm sure I'll probably get blasted for this, but it bothers me....this year, I really don't care for some of the songs they're playing as background music. I don't know who chooses them or what, but especially during the youth classes, I thought some were inappropriate. I know a lot of...
  4. bullockcorner

    New to the forum. :)

    Yeah!! Welcome from Missouri!!
  5. bullockcorner

    Barn Tour!

    oops, sorry Boss Mare, I just noticed you had the same comment. LOL Wow! Just like a storybook! It's nicer than my house!
  6. bullockcorner

    Post and share your 2013 foals!

    On May 25th, AB Bleu Belle's Evening Attire, "Ritz", foaled my only baby for this year. A loud tobi colt by Magic Man's Prince Charming. I'm jealous 'cause it seems like EVERYONE around me was getting fillies, and my ONE baby turned out to be a colt, but I love him anyway. Ritz is actually a...
  7. bullockcorner


    Even though I won one of your beautiful show bows several months ago, I will try again to see if I can win and get another color! I've worn it in the past 2 shows I've been to!! So.....let's try number 50 for Monday!!!!
  8. bullockcorner


    On this beautiful Friday, let's try ..... 33
  9. bullockcorner


    Let's try 49 for Thursday.
  10. bullockcorner


    76 for Wednesday!
  11. bullockcorner


    How about #2 for Tuesday.
  12. bullockcorner

    After the fuzz is gone....

    I think we need to start a post of "before and after" clipped horses each spring just like we do the new foals! It's so amazing the difference, especially if this is the first year to "unrap" the packagae (new purchase or yearling), and see what you have! Just a thought...
  13. bullockcorner

    LB Leprechaun game!!!

    Thank you Debby for the notebook and magnets!!!! And thank you REO for taking the time to do this game!
  14. bullockcorner

    LB Leprechaun game!!!

    66 for Thursday.
  15. bullockcorner

    LB Leprechaun game!!!

    Let's try 49 for Wednesday!
  16. bullockcorner

    LB Leprechaun game!!!

    Bet one of those coins is under a FOUR leaf clover!
  17. bullockcorner

    LB Leprechaun game!!!

    How about 81 for Monday?
  18. bullockcorner

    Are they going to be 2 or 3?

    Yeah, we bought a mare that was pasture bred, and she foaled a beautiful colt on Dec 6th. Not only would I have to show him as a yearling this year, but I didn't get his registration sent in until after Dec 31st, so had to pay the yearling fee for a 2 month old colt! But, I'm not really...
  19. bullockcorner


    81 for Tuesday
  20. bullockcorner


    62 for Monday.