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  1. CyndiD


    Theresa, I am holding you and your family (horses and people) in my prayers....
  2. CyndiD

    Please Welcome Our New Addition

    OH MY What a PRETTY baby!! No wonder you were bitten by the LOVE bug!!
  3. CyndiD

    The FINAL Heritage Sale

    I was at the 20th and it was an amazing experience...sure wish I could go this year too...but work schedules prevent it...and I must work to support my "addiction" to these little critters... Hope someone goes and posts some photos and shares their experience with those of us that cannot attend...
  4. CyndiD

    Foaling season is over for me

    CONGRATULATIONS TAMI!! They ALL are gorgeous!!!
  5. CyndiD

    Some more foals...

    OH MY!!! I LOVE them all, but Orion Neon just tooooo gorgeous!!!!!
  6. CyndiD

    Whoo Hoo! The filly fairy is still at Stonehaven Farm!!

    OOO Jody...they are ALL NICE!!!! Bay is my favorite color...just love them all!! Next time you see the filly fairy send her back up this way...
  7. CyndiD

    INTRODUCING My New Mare (soooo happy!)

    VERY PRETTY !! I can see why you are so excited...but getting that many new ones at once...someone better be on hand with the smelling salts...I would pass out with happiness!!
  8. CyndiD

    Finally,A dream come true

    PRETTY GIRL!! No wonder you are so excited!!
  9. CyndiD

    I get to show off baby photos too

    I think he is just adorable!!! Not sure about color tho...their are several on this forum that can help with that..but I think he`s got plenty of the cute factor going on!!!
  10. CyndiD


    Absolutely GORGEOUS!!! ALL OF THEM!!! I would be in the barn all day just 'looking' at them!!
  11. CyndiD

    HOORAY...Filly Fairy is still in OHIO!!

    Thank you for letting me share...its been a challenging year so far for us, and this little girl really perked me up!!! She has no face white and I think only the one sock, but she has the tiniest dainty and feminine...and nothing like what I was expecting.. ..but I am enjoying...
  12. CyndiD

    HOORAY...Filly Fairy is still in OHIO!!

    Here she new little gal. I wanted a solid sorrel to breed to my champagne stallion Ricco...and the filly fairy heard my request and delivered this charming little one this morning around 4 AM. Momma and daughter doing fine...Spragues Orion Royale Little Souix x Orion Silver Supreme...
  13. CyndiD

    Wheeee! The Filly Fairy Was HERE!

    CONGRATULATIONS!!! She sounds adorable!!! Pictures???
  14. CyndiD

    Hoosier Miniature Breeders Classic

    I am speechless...that was one of the horses that I was really, really thinking hard about. I have no business buying..but I would have LOVED to have that filly...and I just figured she would go way out of my price range...I am so amazed....and disappointed really that I missed out...
  15. CyndiD

    Color Clue threw us a Overo Colt

    WOW..he is a pretty boy!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!
  16. CyndiD

    Filly fairy came back to Ohio

    Jody..she looks like her papa already!!! Gonna be a BEAUTIFUL girl!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!
  17. CyndiD

    Need help quickly if you can...

    Mona, Everything I could think of has already been I guess all I can offer is prayers...and I certainly will do that!! ((HUGS)) to you and the little one...
  18. CyndiD

    Full Moon Baby: Meet Riverdance Scout's Back In Black

  19. CyndiD

    Irish Hills Foal #2

    WOW...Sheryl..with boys like that I say...HOORAY!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!
  20. CyndiD

    Our 2nd foal for this year, and our 2nd colt

    What a cute boy!!! He looks so nice and unfolded already!!!