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  1. Barnmother

    GOT MY 100% AT LAST!!!!

    I did and loved the Christmas Card exchange last year and I want to do both the Christmas Card exchange and the SS in 2014!
  2. Barnmother


    I have to add my two cents worth here. From personal experience. I owned a 5 year old miniature stallion, he was incredibly well behaved at home, and yes I had used him to bred mares. Personally I don't care what sex a horse is, I demand manners from all. Now a little more about my 5 year old...
  3. Barnmother

    six Miniatures slaughtered in their stalls

    Really they released him on bail! Poor people must be fearing for the rest of their horses lives. This is one evil evil person!
  4. Barnmother

    How many of you help out With the vet

    Having been on both sides of the fence as a vet tech and a horse owner the number one thing I can say is please have the horses caught up, stalled or otherwise in your hand. Nothing like going to a lame horse call when the owner says oh yeah, I can't be there but he is in the field to the left...
  5. Barnmother

    ? about Manes

    I think a lot of it is genetics. I have a mare with a fantastic mane bred her to a stallion with a fantastic mane received a great mane in the foal. Have a gelding who's mane is short like maybe 4" long, his mother was the same way from pictures I have seen. Now genetics may give you a long...
  6. Barnmother

    foal colic no vet availabile

    I had similar issues, here in very rural montana vets are hard to come by, we had a large animal vet, she sold the practice to another vet who did small and large animals but only between the hours of 9-5. Had a 1:00am colic (in a biggie) horse I knew it was bad, I knew he would probably have...
  7. Barnmother

    Question Regarding Transfer of Ownership/Registration

    Get a "work order" off the AMHR website I think it is and complete that for pricing and what you wanting them to do. Yes you need to complete the top portion of the transfer, make sure that you use your name as you want it to appear on the papers (and also in show programs...
  8. Barnmother

    Burying on your property

    I ran a boarding stable for biggies many years ago, a lot of these horses were geratric some suffered from long term illnesses. They ended up at our stable because we knew how to take care of them and were willing to medicate, do special feed etc. We even housed some as "aftercare" for a local...
  9. Barnmother

    AMHR Nationals Qualification

    I guess what I am saying is there isn't enough time while working to do this. Kind of sad because I would love to go. There is no way we could drive straight through (we are getting too old, and health comes into play as well), it wouldn't be safe for us so we would have to stop somewhere. So...
  10. Barnmother

    AMHR Nationals Qualification

    So I was reading the rules on qualifying for nationals this afternoon. I am kind of disappointed, here is why: Each year I get 10 days of vacation from work, no more no less. (Tough deal but work is what pays for the hobby of the horses, feed, care and showing.) Living in a pretty remote area...
  11. Barnmother

    Beet Pulp = Pellets vs Shreds

    My husband picked up the 4 bags of shreds, I wanted beet pulp, he didn't realize there were two products (pellets and shreds). As to temperature we soak in cold water, they are in my air conditioned home so it is 72 degrees in here.
  12. Barnmother

    Beet Pulp = Pellets vs Shreds

    Well they all ate them this morning. I guess if they get that before their other feed they don't object so much. I still think when these are gone I will make sure we get pellets. We use the Standlee brand and their products always seem nice and clean, it must just be that they prefer the...
  13. Barnmother

    Beet Pulp = Pellets vs Shreds

    Pellets or Shreds - Anyone have feelings one way or the other? We accidently purchased 4 bags of the shreds. I soak them, I think they smell terrible. Have one horse who would prefer not to eat them! (He eats beet pulp pellets with no problem) I forgot their beet pulp at home at the horse...
  14. Barnmother

    AMHR Washington State

    I have been checking the Journal (AMHR's Magazine) I sure don't see but two. And those are up near the Canadian Border in Lynden. I don't see anything in Idaho, Eastern Washington at all.
  15. Barnmother

    AMHR Washington State

    They can be shows that have already happened in 2013 but will be held again in 2014. Trying to plan a schedule for the next show year.
  16. Barnmother

    AMHR Washington State

    Looking for some annual date for shows and their location in Washington State. Can anyone help?
  17. Barnmother

    Newbie to driving minis...need some help:)

    Try Prime Design Tack, they carry Graeber carts I believe they are around $1650 including shipping and a cover (brand new, you can pick color). Get a closed wheel design if you are planning on AMHA shows or roadster. I have one and I love it.
  18. Barnmother

    Miniature Horse Breeders & Exhibitors

    Enthusiast is what first comes to my mind!
  19. Barnmother

    Glacier Country Miniature Horse Show

    Glacier Country Miniature Horse and Pony Show Sanctioned AMHR/ASPC/ASPR Show This show will be a benefit show and proceeds (after our expenses) will be donated to Lori Guglielmo (well known trainer from Deer Park, WA who has been battling Cancer for the last couple of years) and to Cancer...
  20. Barnmother

    New member, new to minis & surprise mini foal!

    I would add that if you do need to lunge use the biggest circle that you possibly can to relieve that joint stress. I know there are times when I have had to lunge youngsters and that is what I have done. The bigger the circle the better.