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  1. VernB

    Pictures of my leased Rowdy Grandson

    Congrats Gage! Thats awesome you get to lease Contender. I hope you get some really nice foals next year. Remember little man? He's a good example of what Contender has sired. Are you breeding him to any cream mares? Here is a picture of my stallion Little Man (contender's son)
  2. VernB

    4 new foals

    Congrats Gorgeous foals!!!!!!!!!!! The last one looks like a silver bay....
  3. VernB

    What color is she?

    If she were mine I would test her for cream first before registering her smoky black. If she tested positive for cream then I would register her smoky black.
  4. VernB

    What color is she?

    She looks like a smoky black to me. It is possible because a buckskin and chestnut can produce a black foal. Test her for creme. that would give you a good idea. I got a shock a couple years ago when my 2 chestnut pinto mares that I bred to my bay stud both produced black foals. I have seen...
  5. VernB

    Early morning surprize

    Congrats I'm so glad that it turned out good. He's Probably LWO+ too That blue eye is an indicator.
  6. VernB

    Whats your smallest Mini- not a dwarf

    Our smallest is our 8yo.silver bay appy stallion. He's 26.5"
  7. VernB

    Friend's mare had a filly

    That is the cutest grullo filly. She's a a Grullo no mistake. she looks like a Silver Grullo meaning she is a grullo horse with the creme gene.
  8. VernB

    OK, what color is she?

    She looks like a smoky black. Did she roan out too?
  9. VernB


    I thought I was the only one feeling like the price is way too high. If their going to do that they need not to require us to me members to do registry work. I can't afford it. My horses health comes before the registry. It wouldn't bother me so bad If I could afford It. I have a few horses...
  10. VernB

    Possible sinus infection with abcess on the forehead?

    You just explained the exact thing my mare did as a 2yo. My vet didn't know what it was and she eventually cleared up.I got her teeth floated too. She had a bad underbite, I think she had worn her teeth uneven and caused some sharp edges on her teeth that poked her gum line and cased infection...
  11. VernB

    How much Garlic?

    I have seen garlic work, not just for the bugs but for tons of other things. It knocks colds within a day if you have good garlic made right, that's the trick. : Don't ever give it fresh blended(instant belly ache) I don't know the exact dose to give. I use apple cider vinegar in their water 1...
  12. VernB

    Why do mares slip their foals

    Are there any propane or gas tanks close? I have a friend that lost a foal from a gas or propane leak in the air. Also I had a mare that would slip when she was 2 months into her pregnancy, every time. I quit vaccinating her completly and she did fine. Just a few options to look at.
  13. VernB

    Savannah's eye injury, last update......

    I'm really sorry to hear this, but ya know both our very best riding horses are blind in one eye, one from a pitch fork and one from a panel. It may take a little time to adjust but she will. My gelding has had his eye missing for 10 years now, and he's my favorite riding horse. Iv'e used him...
  14. VernB

    How tall is to tall for a stallion and Mare to breed??

    If she was pregnant I wouldn't abort the foal. I've seen a 34" maiden mare foal from a shetland pony stallion, and Iv'e also seen a shetland mare foal from a 14 hand large boned mustang. I would never do it but I have seen them foal fine. I would find out if she is or not, for sure.
  15. VernB

    What Is One Tip You Can Pass Along To A Newbie?

    Lots of good sense here :aktion033: One BIG thing I have seen with way to many new owners is that they leave the halters on their horses. I've seen terrible things happen when they do this, Don't treat it lightly, I saw a mare that killed herself by getting her halter caught on her feeder, and...
  16. VernB

    another foal from my blue eyed stallion

    This colt was born at the end of April. The pics were taken at a week old. He is a smokey black with big blue eyes. And his Sire
  17. VernB

    Pictures of Lacing designs

    My silver blue roan mare has lacing, but it's not white. Here's a picture of her.
  18. VernB


    My vet charged me $60 for gelding a 7 mo. big horse colt+ $10 for the office visit, so all together the whole vet visit cost me $70 and my vet does a great job!!!! : I couldn't imagine paying over $100 :
  19. VernB

    Very small stallions

    This is my smallest stallion.He is 26.5" and has a tiny head. I can't wait to groom him up this year to get better pics. Were expecting his first foal in July.
  20. VernB

    How is this for action?

    Gorgeous! I love it :aktion033: :aktion033: