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  1. VernB

    New baby

    Cute pics. Looks like the kids just met a new friend and then big mean Mom comes and stops all the fun. Thanks for sharing.
  2. VernB

    equusite contest winning a spot

    Cute picture! You have my 2 tens.
  3. VernB

    AMHR look up?

    Can someone look my mare up for me? She is AMHR registerd her Name is RED HILLS MYSTICAL JEWEL.
  4. VernB

    Introducing my new filly :))

    Now that is one awesome mini from top to bottom color size she has it all She is just a doll Thanks for sharing her.
  5. VernB

    Could I see

    Me too!!! Since I have been reading this forum talking about my own horses comformation I find myself studying all my minis conformation. If I had some pics of horses with good conformationto go off of I would have alot better Idea of what good comformation is. Please you knowledgable people...
  6. VernB

    The mini stud I posted for Critique

    Here are some more pics of my little stallion. I just started giving him extra nutrition and exercise. and just in a couple days I have noticed a difference. I haven't groomed him up special yet, I want to wait and see what he looks like in a few weeks, as he still has a little bit if a potbelly...
  7. VernB


    Thanks for all the info. From now on I will just report them to their email host names. I just got another scammer email me this morning. I wish they would just stop.
  8. VernB


    Another Scammer.... He has emailed me 3 times a day now for about a week. What do you do with them? Has anyone had this scammer email them? He has emailed me and just wont stop. Sender's Interest: Star (ID: 57656) Sender's Name: FRANK Sender's Email: [email protected] Sender's IP...
  9. VernB

    Input on stallion

    Hi There Everyone, I sure am sorry for any flames. I do still appreciate peoples opinions and want to say thanks to every one and lets get ride of the flames. I agree a message board should be fun. No offenses I just appreciate hearing peoples different opinions. I will decide what to do...
  10. VernB

    Input on stallion

    I Bought him because he is AMHA out of a national top ten winner, Rowdy bred. His Dam is very well built. And yes he came to me very thin with a potbelli but I will give him a chance. What do you see that is not stallion quality? I will not get upset,and If I do I'll keep it to myself. I'm no...
  11. VernB

    Input on stallion

    I agree He needs more weight and muscle. These pics were taken 3 days after I got him, I've had him for 2 mo and he is looking a lot better.
  12. VernB

    Input on stallion

    This is a stallion I bought not long ago, he was 2 months from turning 3. Sorry I dont have better pics but maybe you can see through that remaining hair. Please let me know what you think of him. I'm not very good at deciding what is a good stallion. Do you think he is show quality? How is his...
  13. VernB

    Best Dewormer

    Can someone tell me what are the best and the most safe dewormers that can be given to minis? Let me know your experiences.