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  1. M

    Shipping Minis

    Shipping can be pricey. Just depends on the transporter and gas prices at the time of shipping. If the horse has been handled quite a bit, consider renting a U Haul van. We have moved horses several times like that. As long as the van is cleaned out real well, never had a problem.
  2. M

    Does she look in foal?

    We clean sac off foal as soon as head is far enough out. Even if foal is possible hip locked, the placenta could already be unattacted to uterus. We have had mare lay down and deliver foal with the placenta right after that. Three times out of four we missed the delivery and lost the foal...
  3. M

    Pregnancy Care

    Definitely taking pictures, roughly, every week does help. Pictures show small changes you may not notice by feel. My only problem is my first mare. She does not like you feeling, much less putting my phone down there to get a picture. She didn't like me clipping either. Thankfully majority of...
  4. M

    Pregnancy Care

    Most mares get edema. The edema eventually moves back to the actual bag. Exercise works the best. Just make sure she moves around during turn out. I have several mares with edema around the bag, theirs is due to being a little puggy during their pregnancy.
  5. M

    Shedding Yet?

    No shedding here in MO. Even the one mare that is due the beginning of next month is not releasing the hair. It has been colder than usual here so that is probably why. On the other hand, my Paint stallion didn't get as wooly as I would expect for this weather. Few times I was worried he...
  6. M

    Magic Marker 2018

    We have several pictures of her pervious foals. The person who owned her had stopped breeding several years ago, but occasionally the stallion got out and bred the mares. She did not keep any records. We have asked.
  7. M

    Magic Marker 2018

    We are back. We are expecting 10 foals this year. We bred 9 for April-May but did some trading with a couple mini friends. We traded/sold our bay pinto 2017 colt, our palomino pinto colt, the buckskin mare, a black pinto filly, and a cremello Buckeroo daughter. In exchange, we picked up a...
  8. M

    Chicken pictures

    I mis-typed. The older rooster we have is not a silkie, he is a frizzle. All our roosters are around 10 months and so far none attack us. Each other a different story. The frizzle is about four-five years old. Our hens are starting to lay again. Have to go to all their hiding places and than...
  9. M

    Chicken pictures

    We have had only one rooster attack us, he was a polish. We bought chicks last year and most are roosters. We have six roosters (a silkie, a polish, a wyondotte, a jersey giant, and a easter egger) in lock down. They were constantly chasing the hens and attacking a silkie rooster we have. All...
  10. M

    Pregnancy Care

    She is cute. Our pregnant mares are hairy fatsos. Couple are in really, really good shape.
  11. M

    Picking out a Mini.

    They can still grow some but usually not much. She will probably not get taller than 38". We have a Shetland that was brought perm at 38" tall. We measured him resently and he is 39". He is 7-8 yrs so done growing for sure.
  12. M

    My little Pony has come a long way!

    We have several slow feeder hay nets we use. A whole lot less waste. They can't pull out as much so don't drop as much; to pee, poop, and stomp into the ground. Also last longer because they can't pull excessive amount out. Also have used it for our goat and it works. She is the worse at...
  13. M

    Expecting for 2018?

    We have ten possible babies due next year. Pictures will have to come later. 1) Sassy (dun LP/lp) bred to a HZ black LP/lp - bought her bred so can't wait for this cross-330 days 3/2 2) Puzzle - Iniki daughter (black HZ tobiano, LWO +) bred to Zipit (perlino Buckeroo son)(she lost her first...
  14. M

    AMHR Transfers $200

    Over six months for AMHA and I think AMHR also.
  15. M

    Pregnancy Care

    She either has a itch or baby may be irritating her.
  16. M

    hurricane Irma

    I saw that one too!
  17. M

    hurricane Irma

    I just saw a video on my FB of a family that lives in a concert made house. They decided to stay through Irma. They brought their 9 dogs and two riding horses into the house. The horses just followed them in like they do it all the time.
  18. M

    Pregnancy Care

    We start bringing our mares in at about 8 months. They are fed in a stall. If makes sure they are getting plenty of feed and also gets them settled in their stall. Since this year we are where there is fescue, we will feed them alfalfa pellets to counteract the fescue. We will give grain after...