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  1. M

    Magic Marker 2018

    Here are dry pictures of Patches. We are not sure of his color. Dam is black tobiano splash sabino Sire is smoky black sabino LWO+ Maybe someone can give us an idea what color he is 
  2. M

    Post/Share your 2018 Mini Horse Foals - Photos & Videos Welcome!

    Sadly the colt above passed away. Found out the reason he was not active is he was compacted with fur. We clipped mom but he was always nuzzling her. We gave him enemas and he was passing poop but still down. His mom also rolled on his front leg so was very sore. Went out this am to him gone...
  3. M

    Magic Marker 2018

    Sadly Flutterby's colt died during the night. Feathers baby is doing fantastic. Will get outside pictures later. Spent the morning looking for our LGD. He was acting weird lastnight and was nowhere to be found this am. Didn't come when called. He showed up from the neighbors when I was turning...
  4. M

    Magic Marker 2018

    We have a colt and are done for 2018. Sire was a 100% filly producer until tonight. Was a text book delivery. He has 7" cannons but looks all legs. Not exactly sure of color but think black or smoky black tobiano. Will know better once dry and outside. Has one blue eye so either got LWO+ from...
  5. M

    Magic Marker 2018

    Well finally found a nice amount of foal poop. Soft with no hair. He seems more subdued today. Still nursing but standing around with his head down. As for Feather, she held on. Her bag is huge and rock hard. Easily express sticky fluid. Keeping a close eye on her.  She would rather be in her...
  6. M

    Magic Marker 2018

    He is not running around but looked a lot better today. I think his mom also stepped on a back leg, so he is limping in the front and the back. He can now lay down and get up on his own. He is more alert and walks around versus standing with his nose to the ground.  Should have our last foal...
  7. M

    Magic Marker 2018

    Poor Flash didn't look happy yesterday and during the night. Noticed he stood around with his head down. Never laid down yesterday and took a couple hours last night before he finally laid down. He was do tired he stayed down for several hours. When he finally rised, he was very wobbly. I...
  8. M

    Magic Marker 2018

    Feather is 332 days and should foal any day. She is nicely bagged up and can express some clear sticky fluid. Improvement from last year when she had to bag.
  9. M

    Magic Marker 2018

    Here is Flash at two days. He is not as active as our others at this age. I think between a rough delivery (red bag, one front leg not aligned, and having to hurry to get him out) and mom rolling and catching a front leg (slight limp) he is a little down. Mom was cramping again yesterday...
  10. M

    Post/Share your 2018 Mini Horse Foals - Photos & Videos Welcome!

    Magic Marker Miniatures has our second to last foal on ground.  Wowser! He is a black frame with blue eyes. Has 7" cannons. Dam was a maiden and foal had one front leg hidden. Finally found it and got it in position. She also red bagged so had to really pull to get him out in time. She is...
  11. M

    Re- breeding the mare

    In our experience, our mares are hard to get in heat with a baby at side. We just pen the mare/ foal next to a stallion.  We have never had one of our mares come into a "foal heat." We have two mares with foals at their side that we plan on breeding this year. One is penned next to stallions...
  12. M

    Magic Marker 2018

    Flutterby (smoky black sabino LWO+) foaled early this am and wowser!  The foal is exactly what we wanted just in boy form. Sire is our dunskin pinto Ten Ls Spirits Afterglow son, Creta Hills Spirit Wildfire. The colt is a black frame with two blue eyes and 7" cannons. Flutterby red bagged and...
  13. M

    Magic Marker 2018

    Wind surprised us with a silver dapple colt with a blaze and at least one sock. He is very lax in the fetlocks but should strengthen with time. Bad news is the sire is not the stallion she was supposed to be bred to. We were breeding her to a perlino Buckeroo son. My silver smoky black...
  14. M

    Post/Share your 2018 Mini Horse Foals - Photos & Videos Welcome!

    Well Wind surprised us with a Mothers Day baby. She did not look at all ready but woke me up around 3 am in labor. The foal looks to be a silver dapple colt with a blaze and at least one white sock. He is very lax with his tendons but should strengthen with time. We had bred Wind (smoky black...
  15. M

    Post/Share your 2018 Mini Horse Foals - Photos & Videos Welcome!

    Well Wind surprised us with a Mothers Day baby. She did not look at all ready but woke me up around 3 am in labor. The foal looks to be a silver dapple colt with a blaze and at least one white sock. He is very lax with his tendons but should strengthen with time. We had bred Wind (smoky black...
  16. M

    Magic Marker 2018

    We have three remaining mares to foal than will be done for 2018. Flutterby is 357 days and just cruising along. Wind is 324 days and is filling in the milk bar fast. Her bag has gone from barely there yesterday to 3/4 full this am. Feather is 323 days and has filled a lot also. She is also...
  17. M

    Magic Marker 2018

    We welcomed a refined and leggy palomino filly this morning around 7:30am. She has a star and snip; and looks to have white on all four feet. She has 7.5" cannons. She was a red bag but was able to break through the placenta and get her out in time. She knew she would be a palomino. Sire...
  18. M

    Post/Share your 2018 Mini Horse Foals - Photos & Videos Welcome!

    Magic Marker Miniatures welcomed a refined and leggy palomino filly at 7:30 am. She has a star and snip; and looks to have white on all four legs. 7 1/2" cannons. She was a red bag but was able to break through and deliver filly in time. Still trying to come up with a name. Three more to go.
  19. M

    Can it be real?

    Hope it doesn't rain much.? Otherwise I think you can put something down gravel wise but can't help you with what. And how to keep it from disappearing in the mudd. If it rain a lot our dry lot turns into a mud lot. Thankfully its not level. Higher on one side, so the top part dries faster.
  20. M

    Magic Marker 2018

    Thank you. We are planning on only breeding 8 mares this year. Three that were open this year. The two that aborted. They are in excellent health and weight. We are repeating our cross with Puzzle and Zipit. Will be breeding a mare that is in excellent weight that we are waiting for her first...